I am playing wow classic since phase 1 and that there is something wrong with “Feign Death” spell.
People keep telling me that this is a “Feign Death” resist(very unlucky) or spell batching etc.
Many active burst trinkents were added in further phases and “fd->trinket swap meta” became a thing. However I’ve ran into the issue when during several raids it was completely impossible to swap trinkets, drink to restore mana etc after using “Feign Death”.
There is a lot of inconsistency in classic like NPC aggro reaction delay is different on player & pet, “combat pulse” on boss fights and many other stuff. It makes it very hard to identify this issue.
I’ve able to get this bug again during my Nth Dire Maul trib run and managed to record a video.
“Feign Death” doesn’t drop combat mode if hunter’s pet is alive. It works properly once pet dies or despawns.
If you summon a pet and start that fight again, that bug will happen over and over until you relog.
Unfortunatly I am unable to reproduce this issue due to many different factors running in the background(inconsistency), but this bug exists and may happen from time to time.
I feel like Feign Death is acting pretty strange too at times, almost as if it fails when used under wrong conditions, and the trap function often fails compared to how I remember it feeling when being able to drop a trap after FD.
But welcome to the club, as a Paladin, I think we are the most bugged/botched class in Classic, many bugs and strange issues that was not part of how we worked in Vanilla.
I juss need to add something.
As someone who have had hunter alt since day 1 classic 2019 and did a lot of both pvp and pve and a lot of testing I can say class is completly bugged and broken.
Made several detailed bug reports and videos for gms, but nothing ever changed. That was one of 3 reasons I quit classic .
Paladin and hunter are extremly broken in classic, for me game breaking bugs.
It certainly does act weird. If you use FD and your pet is active attacking then you have to put your pet on passive to FD+Trap in combo. It’s a little annoying but nothing that can’t be solved with a macro.
How hunters have been subjected to the whims of the Classic devs is nothing short of a scandal imo. I ressed ontop of another player yesterday and spammed trap where he stood and he still R A N out of it after a second and it didn’t activate. People with 100% mounts run over traps like it’s nothing. Feign death is also bugged. A few days ago I had a mob running up to me 5-6 seconds after I had successfully feigned and hit me even though I was out of combat. The class plays very little as it did in Vanilla and that’s why people are rerolling and raids are more often LF Hunters. Such a failure.
Hunter trap fails are because of the trash system called spell batching. This system is so stupid and retarded but Blizzard will keep it nonetheless.
They artificially want to make you feel like you are playing in 2005 from Afghanistan with a Commodore 64 to give you the “vanilla taste” but it tastes more like dog excrement and completely breaks certain classes while making a few things totally broken and OP in the game.
Hunters along with paladins are the most affected badly by this stupid system since spell batching makes you fail traps/fail your cds. Yesterday while playing my paladin there was this elemental shaman casting a chain lightning on me, I LOH’ed myself (1 hour cd spell yeah) and my LOH went on a cd but I still died.
Oh and btw, while I just mentioned ele shamans, they are twice more powerful than what they used to be in vanilla on classic because of batching elemental mastery and getting 2 massive crits in a single GCD.
Now, why wouldn’t Blizzard change it?
They don’t care about hunters at all, and not much about paladins either.
It doesn’t affect their favorite faction specifically, if not slightly favoring it.