HvH solution for Alliance

you think if i leveled this paladin to 70 instead of picking blood elf i would be here crying because horde gets to play the game? f no i’m no soyboy like you guys i would be proud picking something i enjoy instead of abandoning ship


Alliance should be able to use summoning stones, nobody should have have to wait on a hunter running from tanaris to botanica.

My suggestion allows Horde to play the game, actually. You should try scroll back to the start, then read, instead of only looking at a title and coming in here to sperg yourself.

I don’t know why you’re complaining so much instead of enjoying having picked something you enjoy :smile:

15 mins queue is a joke for multiplayer games standars, you know it i know it everybody knows it. we will not settle for less. that’s 900 seconds of getting bored, rinse and repeat x 3

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i will when they fix their matchmaking system

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Pretty sure it’s working as intended though :thinking:

I mean it’s an hour or longer right now and you still play this game soooooo

no we aren’t, we are waiting for HvH. check horde queue side in shattrah now VS when HvH returns

Well HvH was only implemented as a test like a week ago, and you still played the game before that. Something tells me you would continue to play the game, if my solution was implemented.

disagree, why would they gimp us so you guys don’t cry and doomsay all day, no one cares

Still can’t understand Horde players who unironically try to accuse anyone else of “crying” after having cried incessantly for weeks themselves :smile:

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I’m not crying, simply offering what I and many others feel is a valid solution to a real problem. You can choose to ignore it and meme it all you want, but it’s there.

The OP is yet another player who doesn’t understand how the system worked.

I suggest you go and look at the post and READ IT before posting next time.

I’ll sum it up for you, Alliance get priority before it matched horde with horde.

stating facts is not crying my sabotaging trolling friend, having instant queues is not the same as crying because “we are the underdogs weeee we quit we need advanteges”. your argument doesn’t simply exist because it’s based on your placebo defeatist weak ss mentality. pick urself up

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Ah I see. It wasn’t incessant crying but just stating facts :clown_face:

i don’t know wtf happened but since phase 2 you guys completely morphed from humans into rats, you are scared of your own shadow, pick urself up alliance stop the crying take the balls out and face your decision, play the race you like enjoy it

the irony of that clownface

anyway I’m so glad you’re “mentally” engaged in this issue crying about balance, fairness, underdogs, overdogs, p2 ptsd, op faction etc. while blizzard only sees this as numbers and your posts are irrelevant.
Blizzard saw a decline in logged in horde, checked statistics, saw BG queue was way higher than they projected and stepped in with a solution. Numbers of logged in horde increased, blizzard was happy and proceeded with next wave of tests.

Says the guy talking like a big boy while hiding behind a lvl 20 human male (which you made because you enjoy the aesthetics I’m sure) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

other facts you won’t accept, undead and blood elves are the best looking races, followed by orcs

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