HvH was received extremely positively and must be restored without undue delay ✅

So what’s your problem with HvH exactly? lol

Sounds like you are just toxic and want Horde players to have a less enjoyable gameplay experience

Unironically; the only way to have 100% balance, is to mirror the same faction ^^

what are you talking about, do you actually read what you write?
I just told you i have a UD horde fully loaded with honor ready to go.

Faction balance is what im advocating here thats why i BG on my alliance so you crybabies have a bit of a less Q.
When blizzard actually do smthing i will decide if i chill my mage and go horde.

Great mentality, but totally unreasonable to be playing gnome mage out of solidarity…

Play the class and race you like, you shouldn’t be compensating for the trash other players and blizzard has created.

Sounds like you would also be happy with a HvH queue, but here you are fighting AGAINST it. I really don’t understand you.

And started other, even worse, issues.

If you fix an issue by creating an issue, you haven’t really fixed anything.

Tottaly agree and here is my suggestion about that

If things are as apocalyptic as you say… Only solution would be a free faction change; and #somechanges must decrease power of racials.

Im not going alliance on TBC EVER . Horde is maybe full of potatos but at least they arent classic andys who spam forums with 10 alts cus they forgot to check that alliance isnt PvE meta any more in TBC. Thats what alliance guilds are doing now , they are spaming the forums to make the horde quit so there is “faction” balance . the poor classic andys didnt get that is over alliance is dead outside of PvE realms

Hey guess what, when Horde pvpers don’t have to wait over an hour for their BG queues you know what they stop doing? They stop farming summoning stones or camping farming areas (for the most part - there will always be @ssholes out there on both factions) because it was LITERALLY BETTER HONOR/HR THAN BGS before the queue change. Wouldn’t you rather have your pvp happening in BGs on your own terms rather than when you’re trying to quest/farm/dungeon?

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See a lot of people making assertions that tons of alliance players went to play horde when the HvH bg testing went live, and not a shred of proof to support it. Some people post server population data for the week, while ignoring that overall population was just up generally because people who cba to log on for 1hr queues could actually do Bgs again. The rest is purely anecdotal (and thus impossible to corroborate) stories about “people they know” leaving alliance. Stop trying to force this narrative, there will never be a significant number of people who just abandon their characters and go through the 150+ hour process to reroll and regear over this - on either side.

Ehm. No. They will continue to do it in their free time. And if some Horde won’t the sheer numerical advantage of Horde population makes sure there will be camping at thouse spots regardless.

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Alliance now: Horde having short queue is so wrong! Not a good fix

Alliance in wotlk: Short queues for alliance!!

To use the overwhelmingly stupid logic so many alliance players on these forums like to employ, this is your own fault for playing on a horde dominated pvp server. Why don’t you just reroll horde or transfer to an alliance favored or pve server if you don’t like world pvp?

See how annoying it is to hear that stupid argument? That’s what it sounds like every time alliance players tell us to reroll alliance (which takes way more work than a server transfer, btw) if we don’t like the hour+ queues.

in their free time? Did anyone tell you this is a GAME not a JOB and people already Play the game in their FREE TIME which include bg´s?

typical retail tourist
Didnt 9.1 raid release yday?
g0 t0 r3t4il

Also yeah, their free time is going to be filled with actually being IN a bg instead of waiting for an hour for the queue to pop. You’re just committed to not having your mind changed regardless.

and why? why u alliance players are so salty? we pay the same amount of oney per month and we want to be able to play pvp! and dont start with reroll alliance! simple do not have the time to lvl again and leave friends and the guild behind. how self rightiouss and ignorant can one be to complain that people are able to play the Game!

how the f is there any balance destroyed if the horde is literally not able to get pvp gear? are you alliance dudes so afraid, that balance means that you need to play horde players with no resilience gear? i still dont even got one piece of the blue set!

I just want to be able to play pvp. it´s a win win for both. Aliance is complaining to not be able to enjoy the pve world? good, then hope HvH bg´s coming back so all the guys who would otherwise world pvp are able to do this in an enviroment made for it!

So overall the population is completely balanced??? the current position is around 40% alliance and 60% Horde, as I showed in the stats above.

No amount of transfer between servers will fix that.

So no, alliance players moving between servers IS NOT the problem for population imbalance.

The problem is way more people playing Horde (for reasons).