That’s nothing to do with same-faction BGs, it’s to do with their realisation that Noggenfogger is low pop and that the game is better on a high pop server. Gehennas and Earthshaker both increased their alliance populations substantially last week (over 1000 extra alliance raidloggers than the week before).
Just bring back fast queues.
PvP balance as in Alliance gets all the pvp gear and horde gets none? It actually balanced both the Bg and Arena scene.
Please bring it back. I already miss playing bgs.
The server was fine, until people started talking about the consequences of HvH bg in trade chat. That is what we’re trying to explain. This change must be cancelled and some other change like faction change implemented. Why should WE be punished to fix YOUR problem? It’s so so unfair.
next on channel 5, HvH will cause oceans to rise and tsunamis will wipe out Japan, flood Turkey and drown the entire US west coast.
A few minutes shorter? It went from 1h 30 min AB/wsg and 4h AV queues to under 1minute. Imagine coming home from work, being in a que for almost 2 hours only to play a premade and thats your daily honorgain. Cant you see that its impossible for us to get the gear?
Love how WoW players refer to ganking as world pvp. There is no such thing as world pvp in WoW just ganking. Everything on a pvp server can be done on a non pvp server (and vice versa) bar ganking. Theres no world objectives that helps your faction you just see someone preferably leveling or busy doing something else and gank them. Raiding Stormwind or Undercity can be done on any type of server as you get immediately flagged.
Surely if there is horde vs horde battlegrounds there will be less horde players in the open world ganking alliance which seems to be one of the biggest concerns from alliance palyers due to horde popularity.
Does it matter who is fighting who in a battleground if that helps the ability to gank others equally in open world?
HvH have killed alliance pvp servers to fix YOUR problem. Why should we be punished? YOU should have to faction change, not WE transfer.
Are you saying everyone on alliance side just quit their character to make brand new horde ones just because of the short queues? I dont buy it one bit. How are you punished by horde getting honor now aswell? Cant use your resil advantage in arenas anymore?
No. They transferred server.
Thats what you get for playing on a shiet server to dodge the loginques
No. We got it because activision implemented a retail-like novelty into classic that should be cancelled now the consequences have been observed.
The server was already dead, you are just trying to find a scapegoat. This isnt it.
The server was fine till people started talking about the consequences of HvH bgs in trade chat two weeks ago. We tried to warn you on this forum. Don’t remove the one incentive that is sustaining alliance populations. Now we are telling you.
I fail to see the connection with Horde getting a chance to play bgs and alliance leaving their servers. Care to explain?
I think we can all agree not all are happy with this change and brought improvements (what improvements are you even talking about?)
The change for same faction BGs was super nice. please keep it ingame! i didnt want to play PVP at all but with this change I enjoy the pvp and the game again even more!
for the sake of equal opportunities and in-game experience, please keep same faction BGs in game. It was like a breath of fresh air for the horde
by not all you mean a handful of salty alliance on these forums?