I absolutely hate tier sets >.>

You get a charge for the catalyst, chances are you’ll have something you can slap in there.

Can’t speak for others but the reason I didn’t like azerite gear was:

  • The vast majority of the powers were boring or uninteresting.
  • The vast majority of the powers did not align with my class fantasy. This is something that I dislike a lot; when I play my hunter, I don’t want gear or trinkets that let me cast magical bolts or something; it just doesn’t make any sense and ruins immersion for me.

There’s no rule in the game stating that the first piece of gear you get will be Hero or Mythic, and it’s definitely not fun to end up with boots or a belt instead. Tokens were perfect because they guaranteed a 100% chance to get one of the five tier pieces you needed.
But i understand that for people that do not care if their gear is veteran/champion/Hero or mythc it doesn’t really matter.

There is no rule saying you have to use it on the lowest item either. That is a player choice, however you only need to get a heroic piece to have the equivalent of the KSM/AotC reward.

That’s true, but having a token that guarantees 100% one of the five Hero track pieces is still better than relying on a catalyst and waiting for the right gear to drop in this RNG fiesta of a game. :smiley:

If you only care about getting that particular one, yes.
If you’re trying to collect all the different tier difficulty looks; your example makes that way harder.

I feel like it’s a free piece. I barely had it long enough to feel like it was worth anything tbh.

usually in my case I would use that token to fill the ilvl gap on some slot. usually useful. a charge will be kinda meh.

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I rather wait 8 weeks and get 4 set 100% guaranteed then the old way of not getting all set in a whole tier.

It proved if it would be up to the Players Azeroth would be rulled by the Old Gods and we would have a Black Empire 2.0 :laughing:


Part of it is that people don’t like choice, AA gave us all 6 bonuses right from the start, rather than in sets for 2 cycling every patch, players prefer when the devs decide what spec/build they should play each season.
But the main reason people disliked it was that AA was tied to the borrowed power system. When a feature fails, people often think the concept behind that feature is flawed, instead of looking at the individual components.

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Yeah nothing worse for hardcore players than two talents that sim the same and you can freely choose one or the other.

It’s free in the way that you get to choose a new slot with a hero tier piece. It’s a nerf because you lose the Hero piece and you have to get lucky for something to drop.

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I love tier sets and the current system is perfect, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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It is possible. People cried for it, but the main reason wasn’t about raiders having advantage over M+ runners with faster acquisition, nor because people wanted to feel stronger by equipping set bonuses.

People wanted the tier sets back because of class identity: an armor that is unique to your class. For the entirety of BfA and SL (up to S4) we only had cloth/leather/mail/plate appearances, all shared among multiple classes.

God no, if anything, if you have keep the tier sets, make it as little passive and as engaging as possible. If it doesn’t change your gameplay, don’t put it in the game.

But I agree, it shouldn’t connect to very specific talent builds, they should always interact with core abilities and cooldowns.

The reason this happens is because its the same tier set for everyone. PvP, and ALL PvE modes.

So. If you want to make a tier set that is cool for everyone then inevitably it becomes OP. And if you dont want to make it OP, you gotta nerf it.

And by nerfing it you make it useless for some game mode. Sometimes its PvP, sometimes M+, and rerelly Raids (cause raids are the pampered baby of Blizz).

The only way out of this is to have 3 tier sets: PvP one, M+ one, and Raid one. Thats the only solution.

I’ll be honest I like tiersets cause it guarantees a class unique set for every class every major patch, the set bonus I dont really care about and keeping that class unique set every major content patch is a good thing for the game imo but I wouldnt mourn it if they removed the set bonuses out of the equation, esp. For next seasons. I would rather have no tier set bonus and have the game be tuned around no tier set bonusses then have random proc bonuses I cant control which then becomes a reason to tune content higher.

If it was just a visually cool looking set, that’d be enough for me.
As for selling tier tokens for gold, thats a choice, you could also do some weekly mining and just sell the t3 ores you get every week, unless you are still replacing a lot of gear that have enchants your biggest cost is likely repairs and transmog which the weekly mining + selling t3 ores from it should more then cover those I reckon, takes 30 to 45 minutes a week

That way you can keep the appearances for yourself and not have to sell them out for scraps of gold.

And yeah next seasons tier set bonuses do feel like the generic bfa azerite proc bonuses which were uninteresting and just happened without you having input in it which does feel bad.

tmog is good think
but the spells or upgrades nah
for melle classes are almost the same thing like 3% that or 3% this.
with almost the same work.
im not sure about the ranged and casters but i liked the hunter mark only.
they should change it.
it should upgrade the important spells of the each class i think.
like giving DHs extra buffs on meta .
or giving ret extra crit chance on templar strike or that blade that comes out of the ground

Still no 100% guarantee of getting it though? If anything chances are lower now because theres no token for ksm/aotc anymore.
It took me until i got ksm to finally get 4set because the game did not want to give me the gear slot needed to catalyze. If that happens again i will get nothing, what am i gonna do with a catalyst charge when i dont have the correct gear to catalyze?
I hate this change, if all you want to give is a charge then at least make the acquisition of the needed slots less rng dependent.

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I think there is slight miscommunication going on.

I speak about “tier sets” as in - “tier set bonuses” - I don’t care much about mogs and I didn’t even think people care that much.

So let me reiterate

REmove tier set bonuses 2set/4set

Armor mogs can exist perfectly without bonuses as we get various mog sets all the time :roll_eyes:

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