Last time they removed tier, gear became horrible, no thanks.
At least tier gives a sense of progression of power each season.
Last time they removed tier, gear became horrible, no thanks.
At least tier gives a sense of progression of power each season.
Gear became horrible becauze blizzard convinced themselves that gear has to be exciting, which was what azerite was meant to be
Personally, I say let gear be boring, the logic of we need excitement in the game is sound, but to then try to add extra excitement for the game by adding random procs to gear? Please just make the actual game exciting instead.
Keep gear boring, make content exciting.
Overall i wasn’t against Azerite gear. I was against how you obtained it. Like the problem was with essences and corruption. BFA had a real big problem with obtaining the next borrowed power stuff.
this so much. i’d rather have talents “exciting” not “Gear”
I did not know they are removing the ksm/ATOC token next season that really sucks. But what i was trying to say is at least m+ players have a chance to get tier outside of raiding they never had in legion/bfa/early SL .
I should have written more to explain better i am sorry.
PvP tier should have their own bonuses, but that’s just my opinion.
Yeah so basically what they are doing is removing the token and instead you get a catalyst charge.
Which is a direct nerf to the reward because you are required to have an actual piece of gear to tier before you can even use the reward.
I have no issues with the current catalyst system, i think it works well, i just really dont like the change in reward.
I beg to differ, Tier sets alter how your class can play so as to not make the class stagnate.
If it were just strictly just stats that’s just boring.
brah, we get spec reworks every 2 patches what are you talking about??
small % change in talent power can totally change how your class plays LOL
I’d hardly consider % adjustments in damage to be a rework.
these are two different things I wrote about hence big space sheesh.
look how many reworks frost, arcane or MM or BM got from tww start?
And % of damage switches talents around hard sometimes completley changing rotation, like on fury war or frost mage
No the reason this was bad was because it’s fun getting the tier set and having a new bonus each season. People whines so we got the catalyst which tbf is good. The expacs without tier are generally regarded as the worst
Take a look at SP then
You can rationalize this in your head however you want, the reality is that we have a case study, there are still discussions on this form from 2018-2019 where probably the most cited reason people wanted sets was how “it changed my rotation each raid tier”.
In other words, they wanted someone to force them to change their rotation, having all set bonuses available all the time made them complain about it.
Which is a pointless and moot argument because it’s simply not true - many times your rotation just won’t change or the change is absolutely as minor as possible to the point of being irrelevant.
But occasionally you will need WA and addon to track it.
Example: This seasons’ frost mage Tier bonus is absolutely passive and unimportant in APL
And a bunch of times your tier bonus will make you press one button “out of line” once in a while when it lights up or addon tells you. No it doesn’t usually do the “Fury warrior in s4 DF overhaul”
I love tier sets, and proper titanforging. And the artifact and Legion legendaries.
I also miss glyphs.
Everything else is just meh. Especially Azerite. Corruption was okay.
Maybe this is true for people who have always raided and don’t know any different then having a tier set but before the catalyst people not being able to access tier was not a reason for mass dropouts or people quitting because they felt their spec had stagnated
I think the value of the tier set bonus is being overrated, I would even go as far as to bet that a majority (likely small) of players find the class aesthetic it gives more important then the set bonus.
Prot warrior tier set changes literally nothing about the gameplay
In that time people were so fed up with borrowed power that they were spitting out nonesense.
And in their defense they are right. Blizzard screwed up so much with borrowed power in BfA that people get PTSD attacks on the sole mention of borrowed power systems.
Its weird though, because at the time people kept saying over and over again that they disliked the way AP and corruptions were acquired. Not the system itself. The system people generally liked it.
But they doubled down on bad decisions and here we are.
Tier armor is cool for the transmogs, but I think the 2/4 piece bonuses are pointless and bad for game balance.
The bonuses, in most cases, do not improve gameplay. They hardly ever make me think “oh cool, this bonus makes the game more fun!”. It’s basically always yet another passive proc - one of 20 others that I don’t notice except for when I dig into Details logs.
In the rare case that it improves gameplay, it feels bad next season when one loses the bonus.
Blizz should make the core spec abilities and talents feel good and be balanced instead of wasting time on tuning borrowed power.