I almost had a heart attack

I started up classic and saw all my characters were gone. 1x lvl 20 + 1x lvl 30, (Yeah sure might not be a lot but ive spend like 100h on them) I was so damn scared the 15sec it lasted. Then I just restarted the game and found them :slight_smile:


Best Cool Story Bro of the day !


Hope they are horde then im happy if its ally no cares

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happened to me too once at the beginning. i accidently logged into the wrong realm and thought for a hot second that all my characters were gone… :sweat_smile: :laughing:

Incidently, why does the realm list come up every time I log in, meaning I have to select my realm every single time?

In Ye Goode Olde Days (meaning when I last played around eight years ago) it remembered my realm and selecting it wasn’t necessary.


Yes this is a minor gripe of mine too… not sure why it doesn’t remember. Maybe an issue with the modern client?

I think they might done it on purpose, to encourage people to roll on less populated realms or something (at launch), cause you see that 6 hour queue and see less populated servers that you can play right now and it makes you go “hmmmmmmmm”

They surely know about the “issue” by now, so probably they need that for something if they keep it, hopefully will be gone soon

I’m sure Vanilla went straight to the character screen and not to the realm page like classic does.

Ya its stoopit.

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