I am 30 now

We are not talking about beer


me neither mate.

would provide proof… but was banned for it last time lol.

play less wow - hit the gym - start eating healthy - buy some nice “adoult” clothes etc etc and change that status .

with regular workign out it really doesnt.

Happy Birthday!

Neh, 30’s is still fine.
40’s is when the breakdown starts. :sob:

I wish that was me… Add 10 to that for me in a little less than 2 weeks. :sob: :sob:


Happy birthday ya weirdo. :kissing_heart:


Happy birthday!

guess i started early lol

dunno if breakdown or just severely tired of existence though.

will let you know when i find out :smiley:

(sad thing is people will take this like im actually being serious)

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It was a joke, but I appreciate the tip LilĂ­ith.

Happy birthday mate

i remember arent u that bald fit guy?

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yeah lol


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30 is baby age you are young, have fun before your back has a perpetual tractor on top! Go dancing and ice cream! Go throwing and football! Whatever you want to do ten years probably, potential for 25 good years before you must start to sit more of the day. When I get to 60, I think I am a little old! But you know there are 90s who want my body!!

Happy birthday, decline has started

I swear to god, everyone who plays this game is 30 or less :roll_eyes:

Happy Brithday :tada:

You’re looking at it all wrong, you’re only 10 years away from that Porsche and leaving your partner for someone half your age.

Keep going pal, you’ll make it.

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Repeat after me: It’s just a number!

Many in this forum prove it daily. You can be 40+ and still have the mindset of a 12 y/o.

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So far the only thing that changed for me is my hair turning almost entirely grey. Aside from that, I’m still having the life I had 10 years ago, but way better!

only 30 huh what a toddler no wonder you post like you do :smiley: but joking aside congratulations!

My fight for the Horde continues.