I am beyond words

It’s either that or go learn Chinese and Spanish.

Not sure what you’re trying to say.

Well it’s either you learn English or you learn Chinese or Spanish as they are the only other viable contenders in terms of economic utility.

The most spoken languages in the world

  • English (1.132 million speakers)
  • Mandarin (1.117 million speakers)
  • Spanish (534 million speakers)
  • French (280 million speakers)
  • Arabic (274 million speakers)
  • Russian (258 million speakers)
  • Portuguese (234 million speakers)

Don’t think so. You can use English to communicate pretty much everywhere. Good luck using Chinese anywhere outside China. Don’t forget that China alone has a population of 1.4 billion and there’s a bunch of other countries where Mandarin is an official language. That’s why it’s so high on the list. Outside of those countries tho you’re unlikely to bump into anyone who can even understand a single word.

Spanish may be up high on the list, but again, how many people do you actually meet on a daily basis who can speak or understand Spanish better than English?

It isn’t even a question whether the most useful language to learn for an average non-native English speaker is English. It just is.

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Depends on what part of the world you go to. If you in the Americas Spanish and English. If you are in Asia Chinese is preferred but English can get there in a few countries such as Singapore and Japan but most of the population don’t speak full English as they have no need for it.

Yes, but the best general purpose language is still English because most of the world is built on it. If you go to a part of the world where another language is more useful, then of course it makes more sense to learn that language, but even then you should be able to get by with English pretty much anywhere.

Chinese — 1.3 Billion Speakers
Spanish — 471 Million Speakers
English — 370 Million Speakers

Hey, I’ve watched Spanish tv novelas equally as i did Hollywood production.

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Most of the world is not built on English, most of the Central and North Western world uses English because of their relationship with the British Empire and the USA being the predominant power and economies for the past 300 years.

I wonder how many people live in China. Oh, would you look at that…


Yeah, you proved my point. Chinese is far more useful in Asia.

How can someone be this addicted to the game?

That they can not handle even a few minute of que

I just can’t fathom it.

If you don’t want to give blizz money, Just don’t.

If you don’t want to deal with their BS. Just don’t.

Noone is forcing you to play WoW or pay blizzard.

If you are unhappy… Just don’t play.


China isn’t Asia… try going to Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India and speak Chinese to random people. See how many will be able to have a chat with you there.


:fearful::fearful: I’m spanish and these novelas are terrible :scream:

You are correct but most Asian countries use Chinese as the trading language between each other just as we use English because china is the biggest country and economy in the region. Most countries in that region are ethnically similar to china too. That’s why the examples of the few countries that you can use English in were former British colonies and countries that had direct contact with western powers such as Japan.

I know I lived in Singapore. Yes you can use English but it wont get you that far unless you are there working for an English speaking company and even then your are more likely to be based in an English speaking area and when you have to interact outside that you will have a translator.

Well, seeing that the whole thread topic was sorted, this has gone way way off topic.

Is there not a very big difference between Chinese and Mandarin?
From the other posters numbers only 370 million use English in a world of 8 billion+ that cant be right ?

Now turn that around, how far would you get using Chinese in any European country?


Booo! Delenis booo ! Tv novelas are great.

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