I just did a timewalk dungeon as a demon hunter tank and i got in a premade group with all players with an for me orcish language i could not understand. I am still shaking of anger. I want to lvl up as fast as possible but with these braindead players i cant even communicate. One warlock forgot to dismiss his pet and pulled half the dungeon. Normally i am always for playing safe. But this was blackrock and the 2nd boss is an easy skip. But because of that pull we wiped. Now thats not a problem but why i am abused as a slave for such players who dont want to talk in english? I wanted to kick the warlock but whey declined so by then i knew a deserter was coming to me. And here my anger was build up. And sure 30 minutes wasted. They were still talking in their orcish language i could not understand (ofc i am an orc in profile pic. But you know what i mean). This is ridiculous. Players who dont want to communicate with a world language should not be matched with players outside of their own language realms. Now i get punished because i am abused slave for these bad players.
Maybe not everyone wants to skip.Usually skips are pointless,and timewalking is easy enough so you are able to kill everything.
The deserter shouldnt apply or be shorter if one is kicked though.
I left myself because i couldnt understand their language. Imagine they say that they would kick me just before the end boss. So i choosed to leave. I dont want to be abused to be a slave into a pre made group. Leaving a premade group with 3 or more players in it should have a shorter deserter because you will NEVER be able to do something against a premade group because its 1 vs 3 or 4 so the solo player always lose. And this is just a very unfair feature in the game. That makes me even more angry.
Have you ever considered anger management? It seems you get very irate about the most trivial things in the game.
You aren’t a slave, you are a participant in a dungeon. Skips often fail becasue of pets or people just pulling by accident. It’s not worth getting upset about. We had a hunter in VP who didn’t manage to dismiss his pet once when we were skipping packs and we’d end up fighting them half the time.
Some runs take longer than others.
It doesn’t sound like much fun if they were talking their race specific language, in this case Orcish. Most queued content is easy enough that you can muddle through whether you communicate with others or not.
It was unwise to try and kick someone if you knew they were a premade group. Esp for something so trivial as forgetting to dismiss their pet.
You get angry a lot dude…
I remember a long time ago I had a hunter(deleted since) and got in a dungeon.People kept telling me to dismiss my pet…being new at the class I kept frantically looking for the button to do it but for the life of me couldn’t.
I don’t remember if was kicked or not, but I am pretty sure I also pulled everything in sight too.
Not everyone reacts with the speed of light to things ,I am proof of it lol.
Normally i check their realms and they were all different so i didnt expect a premade. I discovered it when they started to chat. And about anger management. I grew up with the mindset that unfairness is a bad thing. And in this case its me vs 3 so no matter what i did i would lose. Even if its not my fault. And maybe its my adhd. Or depression with some things. I try to think positive and it helps me and i try to avoid bad things.
Btw my first run today i tanked stonecore and someone said (asked) if we couldnt do the run 2x as fast. I told him i am new to tank and new to demon hunter. They accepted it. We died a few times. But because we all chatted in English we had an option to communicate and we had a succesful run.
But with the last players it was already a loss.
But now i go to the gym. Atleast something positive.
And anger management isnt needed if i dont get abused and placed in this kind of partys without communication. Why are there realms with their own language? Because they want to play with ppl who speak the same. So why do i get placed with them? I am not one of them. So i felt like a slave to do their job because on their realm there was no tank available.
The gym is a great outlet ofc. However not getting so angry in game would also be a good thing. I pity your blood pressure.
I hope you have a good workout.
Sounds like a you problem.
“Normally I play safe but ofc I assumed everyone knows the skip and because I can’t communicate with them because we don’t share a common language I made an assumption and we wiped and now I’m so mad”
Also, “shaking with anger” about a leveling dungeon? Seek help.
There is always someone saying. Git gud, or its a you (me) problem. Or skill issue.
I have ran that dungeon last evening without any problems.
Fine. Remove topic then. I am happy that the most players on this forum give friendly and positive feedback/reply’s. Makes my day even better.
I also have an opinion about the kind of ppl that counter everything. But i keep it for myself.
After reading the title, I came here and found only falseness. Fury is a warrior spec, not warlock!
Try using some emotes instead.
Target the Pet Demon
And don’t kick someone after their first (or even second) mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. If they realise their mistake and correct it then that’s fine. If they keep making the same mistake over and over then it’s time to /frown or /quit or /cry
But are you fast??
In general I try and avoid groups which are 3+ premade.
More often than not, if things go wrong the outsider is going to be the one paying for it.
And I’ve also come across premades that just want to troll people.
So yeah. Better safe than sorry, imo.
A few facts to clarify:
First it is not certain that it was a premade. If I see a player from a Fench realm I’ll speak in French that doesn’t mean we are a premade.
The fact that you are repeatedly labeling their language as “orcish” does not reflect well on your positive attitude towards others.
It does not appear that they “refused” to speak English because it does not seem you asked “sorry I don’t understand your language can we speak in English please ?” in the first place.
If I understand correctly you initiated a vote kick against another player for a single mistake in a TW dungeon, which was declined. Thereafter no retaliation vote kick was initiated against you but you nonetheless voluntarily left the group. And yet somehow you blame that group for your deserter buff. OK
And lastly you believe you were their “slave” because “their” realm didn’t have a tank. But maybe by that flawed logic they were your slaves because your English speaking realm didn’t have a healer ? I have noticed that in TW dungeons tanks are more abundant than healers.
Am I the only one that reads this in your head with an Italian accent?
Very big difference than a whole group speaking orcish - on purpose.
But you’re right; it’s not certain. To me though, it certainly sounds like it was the case.
I do agree that several of the OP’s claims and arguments seem… Over the top.
I usually have a good laugh if someone forgets to dismiss their pet and it is a dungeon where a nice train will happen, it’s so oldschool Whoops!
Personally I’ve found being amused works better than getting frustrated. It keeps you in a good mood.
Its only game
I’m presuming the OP is Dutch with a name like that