I am furious

Expecially in a leveling/TW dungeon, Some Locks are not even aware that the pets do diferent things cause they get them so fast.

Fury is a DH resource.

But we cant avoid it. The only option is to ask help from other players. But if they have other plans then you have to pay ppl to get help. Only because premade groups are there.

But i got the achievement “class connoisseur” so this torture is over. Now i can only play classes i like.

Wow. Just Wow. So much rage and unwarranted hatred, bordering on xenophobia, in a freaking timewalking dungeon… “Ehrmagherd, somebody who’s still leveling isn´t a progamer yet and made a mistake, kick him, kick him with fire!!!”

Thank god I have an active and healthy guild and don´t have to run with pugs unless I´m feeling froggy or its 3 AM.

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Have a can of juice

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Its the kind of ppl i get matched with. I have ran more “good” runs then bad runs.
Btw a few days before someone ninja looted an item in lfr and the person was from a realm that isnt an english realm. I asked for if i could have the item. But no response and after some time the person just left LFR. Its fine that there are realms for ppl with their own language. But if there is no communication possible they should be grouped up with their own language. Now i remembered the ninjas realm and i saw in the dungeon the same realm.

And true. I should not have vote kicked.

And about the hate or anger. Thats not my faulth. Its a build up issue about years of games playing. Mostly cause by bad rng. Hours and weeks farmed all for nothing. Rigged matchmaking in some games. Mental tired. Farming diablo 4 for goblin mount a whole event with the goblin buff up for nothing. And this a few times. I finally got the mount and now i can play something else. (Btw i build up hate on the game and already gave up on playing and liking the game, and when there was another goblin event going i gave it a try. But the hate was bigger then the love for the game. So when i got the mount i really enjoyed and liked it, but the damage was already done so i didnt keep playing) (items should drop in the time i am liking the game) Also in diablo 4 farming weeks for an uber and nothing. While a streamer has a bag full of shako’s to salvage them for a greater affix one. Doing endless icc runs for mount. For nothing. Playing hearthstone and facing mage after mage. My most hated class. Rigged matchmaking. Also i dont have the skills. Playing call of duty full of campers. Zero action. Playing guildwars 2 with the most greedy company in the world and the problems get defented by so called white knights (dont know this word but saw it sometimes on a forum) how should you feel if you waste your time for not getting rewarded? Btw i have no mental energy for end game content.

Btw i am not a real mmo gamer. I dont like grinds of challanges. I am addicted to loot. So i mostly doing old solo content for mounts or skins. And as a loot player i like the feeling of finally get the reward i have played for. That what i liked about 20th anniversary. Got so many nice items i wanted.

The best thing for me is keep doing solo content. And sure i make some nice talks with ppl. And chat nicely. But all in english or dutch.

But after all i try to stay positive.

players like you are the reason i stopt doing group content

I hate drugs, smoke and alcohol. Positivity is irl. Thats things i can have control over for most part. In games not. Its just decisions by company’s if the loot run will be succeed or fail. If they program a game with bad rng its a problem.

Its not a drug son, its a plant , it just grows like that!

Positivity is a bit of a delusion anyways, just try to be more optimistic instead.

Maybe i described it not with the right words. My english isnt perfect. But i have to think and thankful for what i have. Not whats missing. But thats not always easy.

With all due respect, I think part of your problem may be exactly this mindset… you seem to be somewhat treating other people like NPCs, and then expecting to yourself be treated differently… Getting in a group with multiple people that don’t speak your language or weren´t born as progamers isn’t “bad RNG”, it`s life. The people you´re playing with weren´t randomly generated by an algorithm when you queued up, they are human players with their own wants and desires, just as you are.

If you need to be in control to have a positive outlook, that too is a potential issue. One that may best be looked at by a professional, as it could well be a symptom of an anxiety disorder.

Fast and furious. Ready for D.R.I.V.E.

Unrelated side note: My biggest gripe with the G-99 Breakneck so far is that it doesn´t have an option to install hydraulics for some bouncy-bouncy goodness… Such a missed opportunity IMO. But then again, I do understand that this isn´t NFS: Underground, no matter how much some of the devs would have probably liked to go completely nuts and make it so… :beers:

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I for one have quite a lot of anxiety, but I never ever initiated a vote to kick.In fact I almost always try to stop them, by pressing no.

Not sure this is anxiety,maybe just burn out from playing too much, something he does not enjoy.

Correct, it could be that simple.

But his statements, at least the way I interpreted them, denote that he needs to feel like he´s “in control” (which is in and of itself generally an illusion, but that´s a different topic for a different thread) to have a positive outlook. And that behavior /feeling is not “normal”, and therefore something that may in fact warrant therapy and /or light medication to bring it more in line with the general human experience, if so desired. I´m not saying he “needs” therapy or meds, I´m merely presenting it as an option that he may want to look into if he feels that it´s an issue. No more, no less.

When need for speed is all you need (along with hydraulics)

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What I think is kind of hilarious is that people have been joking about playing WoW with a steering wheel for god knows how long… and now it might actually be a good idea (haven´t tried it myself because I don´t own one, but my gamepad is sitting on the table just waiting for the patch to release)… :wink:

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Yes thats it. Burned out. I have made a ticket to ask for the mount. A virtual item can mean so much to a person. It cost nothing for them. Just mail it as a gift to make someones day. But thats too much asked.

Good that they always give a friendly response. But the company’s themself doesnt care much about someones mental problems. They just have always the same bad excuse. Its rng. Keep trying. I am not gonna waste 13 years for a * mount like some did for the x45 heartbreaker.

But if company’s wants to support a charity then WE players have to give them money. How rude can you be. Dont give a * about someone and when you need them then asking money. I wou donate if i get 5 mounts of choice in return. Why doing charity if you dont give a * about ppls situation. This is called an illusion.

I grew up to hate greed. And this is greed.

Same for the crew 2. I am not a racing gamer but i like cars and want to race sometimes. I asked ubisoft to sell a time saver pass for 50 bucks that unlocks everything. But they are too greedy and expect me to grind 8 years of content. Then not. Missed chance. No money from me and i moved on. And ubi isnt doing very well.

Also blizz should make a skip to the lich king like skip to garrosh. On youtube you can find tutorials how to skip. Through lfg with alts. So its already possible. But it takes some relogs and all these nonsence can just be solved. By this tutorials you can see that most players hate the whole run and that its too much time consuming. Imagine 10 alt runs on something with a droprate of 0,9. Thats a Dice with 1000 sides. But they dont care. Also they tweaked spine of deathwing. And many more old raids for skipping bosses.

Even if icc 25 hc is easy. It takes at least 20 minutes a run with walking and npc talk in it. And that for a mount with such a low droprate.

These runs take ages. No time for current expansion.

Just control your anger, and if you are angry, do it for something worthy. This… is not !!!

If you can’t play in random group, you should consider finding friend group where you would feel comfortable. Alternatively you should consider playing solo content, there’s enough of it in WoW. Getting angry is not OK.