I am hesitating between SL and TBC

Will be hard to choose between the two. TBC is in my hearth, but Shadowlands seem ultra promising.

I think if we don’t have a “fresh” start in TBC, I’ll focus on Shadowlands.

There’s to many problem in Classic that will make TBC not great (faction imbalance, destroyed server due to this imbalance, massive golds farming by Mage boosting in Classic that hurt economy - some of my friends already had 80k golds + 200 Flask in bank, layering exploitation, …).

Evolving Classic into TBC is like moving theses problems into another expansion. Blizzard should learn from all Classic errors and make TBC great.

Anyone plan to not play TBC and focus on Shadowlands unless Blizzard enforce a fresh start with new servers for TBC ?

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My only problems with Classic are:

  1. There’s nothing to do, PvE-wise, outside raids once you’re geared enough
  2. It’s next to impossible to find people for dungeons, and those dungeons take a long while so sometimes I need to book a total of 2-3 hours just for one of those
  3. Some of the classes/specs I would love to play aren’t functional
  4. Raids are too easy, the drops are too few, and the logistical aspects involved in them (40m size, wbuffs/consumables) make them more tedious than actually difficult - I don’t think I actually enjoyed myself raiding in Classic before ZG.

So yeah, TBC is going to fix all my issues with Classic.

SL feels like yet another ARPG-lite iteration of WoW. If I wanted to play SL, I’d go into Auchindoun on TBC.


release wotlk skip tbc or release both, Clean fresh state on both ofc

SL in tbc is pretty strong in arenas


Both have elements that I particularly enjoy.

TBC has the raid progression that I like a lot (yes even the attunement)

While Shadowlands has completely captured me with Torghast, seeing people with a lot of game knowledge like Preach enjoying and praysing it makes me hope to get a Beta key as the game will ho from alpha to beta.


Im looking forward for TBC but I Love Classic also. Classic is a great re-experience of past memories despite some flaws but the playerbase is nothing like Vanilla was.


Shadowlands will be WoD 2. Or BfA 2. Lots of promises, never actually delivered.


We kinda knew that going into it tho.
You cannot erase 15 years of experience with the game simply by re-releasing it as it was back then.


Vanilla, TBC, WotLK are all part of the Classic franchise, in my opinion. Blizzard would keep me interested and as a subscriber for those three.
How they’d go about it with servers and characters, I don’t know. I’d like to copy my character, but gold and consumables would be wiped. Start with a low(er) amount of gold going into TBC, for instance…

I’ll never go back to Retail, but I hope they pull it off with Shadowlands. I’ll keep an eye out for what people say about it, for sure.


People said Legion would be WoD 2.0 and it wasn’t, Legion was great.

WoD sucked. Legion was great. BFA sucked. Following that progression, Shadowlands should be pretty good.

That said, SL fury is still sticking to the bad and incredibly dull style of fury play: press buttons, build rage bar, press derp strikes. Arms hasn’t received changes either.

With my favourite class still being dull, I probably wont enjoy SL.

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I wouldn’t challenge current Blizzard, just saying.


SL is just legion 3.0 and if you enjoy getting epics for free and press max 4 keybinds.

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I quess i ll stick to classic, getting epic frustrated for free and pressing 2 buttons :smiley:


2? that’s a lot, most classes manages to do their jjob with just 1

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What’s different with classic though?
All the difference is that the loot doesn’t drop as often.
I’m full epics without much effort, just took time as only 2-3 items dropped for 40 players.

4 keybinds on retail is more than classic keybindings though lol.

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amateur, such an amateur, you must be the last one of the last ones who is actualy playing the game and not using bots :smiley:

Amateur. Play a “DPS” enh shaman and press 0 buttons.

how are you only using 4 keybinds in classic? i use 60+… you must be doing something wrong lol

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yeah, thats why every classic raid consists of 20 + druids :smiley:

the raid i’m in has 2