I Am Undead And I Need Help

“Sin’dorei (green eyes)” - yeah, that doesn’t infer your faction choice, mate. Just what good juju your elf is currently huffing. The whole… following Kael’thas and ‘betraying’ your Quel’dorei kin more suggests that you’d be killed on sight in Stormwind.

Assuming nobody can tell if you’re a belf spy, as well, seems like a little bit of a stretch. With their dwindling population and noble ties, no doubt the remaining helves would very much like to keep track of who’s who.

Don’t even have to. Usually these people can’t help but loudly broadcast it IC because they are ultimately doing it to be special and get attention.

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“Yes im a sin’dorei, anduin personally signed me off (and turalyon and genn too) so im allowed to be here (im just here because silvermoon is dead)” is my favourite type of character to see in Stormwind.
It’s as wild as straight up humans just chilling in the valley of honour and when you go “get out of my city” they say “nah bro, thrall signed my papers” (This however, does not happen in orgrimmar, for obvious reasons)


Blood and High elves being political factions truly is the most difficult concept apparently.


Have I ever said that people should not use certain characters or concept? Even if I find High Elves disturbing, I don’t tell these players to quit or exile them into a specific zone to play just one cliché role. It is YOU all who are beating the hell out of people for wanting to play an undead.

And I am glad that people in the game are not like the majority of the people on this forum and they just want to have fun without these nonsense accusations and irrational debates about “lore”.

That´s not what I said.

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  1. But this mathematical solution to the high elven population is thrown out of the window with Sylvanas’ novel changing the amount of elves who died from 90% to around 80%, if I remember correctly. More a case of “a lot of elves died” than an exact percentage.

It would also mean Quel’Thalas’ population was only at least 148k strong before the invasion. But if we want to stretch out the definition of “in the thousands” we could have anywhere from 2000 to 999k.

No. On the contrary, we are only beating the hell out of people who want to play Scourge in Horde cities, or Forsaken in Alliance cities. In Minecraft.


Invasion was merely a setback…

I think it is highly unhelpful and unfair to call lore discussions “irrational”.

Most people roleplaying on WoW want to immerse themselves in the world. and that usually comes from following the lore to atleast some extent.

There are issues with Blizzard’s role, and lore-bending is generally acceptable by most people, if it adds to the roleplay experience rather than taking things away.

Things like having characters that are directly opposing politically still wandering about freely in the capitol is very much part of the latter.


Debating lore isn’t irrational. It’s the lore that lays the foundation for the entire collective RP experience, and the lore makes it pretty obvious that certain concepts don’t belong in certain places.

Does that mean you can’t play that concept at all? No. It just means you have to use more than one brain cell to make sure your character fits where they are. And guess what: figuring out how to make that concept fit into the framework we’re presented with is actually really fun.

If you don’t find it enjoyable to the point where you completely disregard the lore (which seems to be the case), then I regret (I don’t at this point cus you honestly haven’t shown a lot of redeemable qualities in this thread) to tell you that you should probably find another game to roleplay in or create a headcanon bubble on pepsi or something.


From just at a glance/speculation on what they are apparently roleplaying, it could work perfectly fine if done not inside a major capitol city and instead kept out in less guarded areas.

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How it is irrational to know the lore and play the game by it?

It is irrational to claim moral high ground whenever you are the one pulling your own pants down publicly by disregarding the lore and wanting to do your own bubble-lore RP on a public server.

Honestly I think you will be better off on Epsilon or something, they like all kinds of undead RP, just look for a guy called Akru.


I missed a post or something. Did they reveal what they actually RP? Or is it still the whole “san’layn in orgrimmar” accusation?

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Personally I based my argument on them being pro-fel orc in cathedral.

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So far they have mentioned themselves playing a San’layn in Orgrimmar, who is apparently just nice and there for socializing with the locals & alluded to a Blood elf in Stormwind.(Or atleast used it as as example of how it could work)

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From what I read in about five posts from them, they said they don’t RP a San’layn in Orgrimmar at all.

So this argument is going strange places; “You RP this” when they don’t.

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I play chess, but I want more creative freedom. My king can jump whereever he likes! Hey, why dont you want to play with me? You only play normal chess? You have zero creativity!


Maybe I misread, because that was part of their argument at the start of the thread, up around post 20 something.

I could just be reading poorly though, at which case I am sorry :frowning:

I’ve read the whole thread, which is why I’m confused. Because they claimed in various posts that no, they don’t Rp the San’layn in Orgrimmar. It was just a poem. And then it seems people are jumping at this person claiming they’re RPing X or Y when they’re not for argument’s sake.