Yeah. Blizzard allowed. Not you, not me, not anyone in this thread.
Concept is that you are creating headcanon, which isn’t canonic (written/published by the developer) lore, and the case with any headcanon is that you can convince only a finite number of people to accept such headcanon before it bursts and people will not take it into consideration.
I.e, I see all the problems with a elf, who considers themselves to be a blood elf, to just willingly go and join Alleria/Umbric’s lot, because, as was stated earlier, the only difference between the different elves on both sides of the faction divide is the political one. So, a blood elf going Alliance simply signifies that they no longer align themselves with whatever Regent Lord and Co are preaching, meaning that they are simply not a blood elf, but a high and/or void elf.
You can also throw a fit canonically that there is no canon lore that suggests that high/blood elves can -now-, at this very instance, become void elves, as their creation was made from a single situation, when Nether-Prince Durzaan tried to transform Umbric and his followers (note: -all- blood elf exiles) into void monsters, which was halted, creating void-attuned elves as a result.
It’s absolutely fine to wish that, to add lore to your own RP, to create it in order to enhance your own stories, but to get mad that it isn’t what everyone wants? A bit ridiculous, innit.
They have been since their conception.(Well since their WoW-conception). Blood Elves have been Horde since they rejoined the greater world. And while the reasoning might be easily debunked and refuttable inlore. Inlore things do not always make sense. What does make sense is that the High Elves are a very, very, small minority, they were the (Quel’thalas) Elves stuck in Alliance lands, when Quel’thalas fell and never returned to become Blood Elves(the lodges, etc). Void Elves are a even smaller minority of that.
So no, Elves who claim to be Blood Elves cannot, ever, be Alliance. And for now, cannot enter Alliance lands. No matter how hard they proclaim to have a letter writter by Anduin himself.
Despite the amount of RPers I see that in the Current IC in large capital letters. I take them for trolling around for reactions, I never see them around for more than three days.
I think they are genuinely being earnest about it, if completely ignoring in-universe logic and basically going “I do what I want and don’t care what you think”
Except they do care what others think because what others think is “I’m not going to interact with you”, they get starved out of any interactions, and then they stop playing that character because nobody wants to RP with a person who refuses to acknowledge the limitations of their character.
And I have counted three days, I’ve seen so many of them carrying a hand written letter by Anduin or Turalyon they are allowed in Alliance land and/or cities.
But what do they expect when people tell them otherwise, this can not be done. I do not take “But Valeera Sanguinar is part of the Alliance.” as a reasoning.
A reminder that only 10% of Quel’thalas survived the 3rd war
there shouldn’t be that many high elves about. If you have blue eyes I’m calling you Sin’dorei.
Half of Stormwind is these High Elves. Idk about y’all, but THIS is what breaks the immersion for me. Wherever I look I see High Elves and I find it annoying. A fel orc in the church is less strange to me than an overwhelming amount of “blue-eyed sindorei” fellas in the Alliance. Yet all the hate goes to players who create perfectly reasonable headcanons for their characters
i think there could well be a lot of high elves alive
idk if it was ever specificed how many high elves there were prior to 90% but lets say there were 100 000k then left with 10k, split in 2 for 5k, thats still a lot of elves
We do actually have minimal amount of high elves (based on a math based on quest in Outland, so it holds no real value, but we do technically have it), as it mentions “thousands” of Sunfury attacking Kirin´var.
This means, through power of knowing the smallest value of “thousands” being 2000, and Sunfury being 15% of blood elves (9%), there were at least 1400 high elves (exact number slightly different but I can´t be bothered to google it).
Meaning, even if every RPer on Argent Dawn made a high elf, and we added them to the named high elf characters in WoW, we might still not reach their canon number.
The reason why you´re malding so much about people not accepting “perfectly reasonable” headcanons is because what you view as perfectly reasonable is viewed as absurd by most of serious RPers on this server.
And do you know what the best part is? Since you don´t pay my sub, you can´t tell me what concepts to accept.
Pretty much. Even with a huge population squish there’d still be hundreds, thousands, who knows? And how many are you ever gonna see around Stormwind at 1 time, 30 at the utmost, maybe on a crazy day?