I Am Undead And I Need Help

I will now RP a Horde Ymirjar :clueless:


So, as I was saying…

Quite so. RPing a human worgen whose curse predates Arugal and who’s not Gilnean would raise brows.

Similarly how RPing a 1st gen death knight that predates the Horde invasion is also iffy, or a 2nd gen human death knight that claims to have been raised before Arthas’ northrend expedition.


But you do know that there are plenty of non-villain Undead and Forsaken in the game as well? And even those who continued to serve the Light, despite their state? Undead Holy Priests, Paladin(!) This means that playing an Undead doesn’t limit you to being one single role with one common story for all.

There’s LITERALLY only 1, who’s barely had ANY lore since WoW’s release, except for 2 quests in WoD.

So? You never have enough arguments. You don’t accept concepts that can freely exist in the game even when there are official proofs. Vethalis is a fel and void maniac and it’s hella cool and totally viable! I love that idea, even if we don’t have an army of such NPCs in the game. Because it makes sense, it fits the design of the game and it creates a fun character to play as.

uncanny mr incredible image

Imagine if I said here "well, hypothetically, undead could still wield the Light magic and stay loyal to it, but it would hurt them a lot… " without having all these NPCs and cults… Brrr

So what was the original argument?

I don’t mean the; “what about X, Y and Z” I mean the actual OG one you’re trying to make?


I am going to regret this, but I just can’t help myself.

You seem to be unable to understand that there are different types of undead and undeath, some who just doesn’t work with certain things or certain roleplay.

To draw a comparison, you are essentially saying that: Just because a small group of pirates briefly worked with the Horde in BfA, it now means that its canon that humans are joining the Alliance and you can roleplay a Stormwind farmer in Orgrimmar. And people should accept this without issue or else they are bullies.

That is the equivelent of what you are constantly arguing for, because you seem to not understand that there are different types of undeads entirely.


Scrolling back all the way to their original posts, their OG argument was that it is wrong & bad of people IC and OOC to not be accepting of concept like undead elves or undead Draenei. And that they should be able to join any group or guild without any arguments from either IC or OOC.

And when explained why some guilds might not allow that due to not fitting the aesthetics or why a character IC might dislike such a character, lashed out and started to talk about how no one can argue what is good and evil and people were bullies for harassing undeads.


Exactly! Glad that you’re finally agreeing with me, oh yeah

So then you understand that while one type of undead might be suited to being in the Horde(like the Forsaken), another type of undead entirely(Like the San’layn) might not?

Or how one type of undead(Say a Death Knight) could suitably wander through Stormwind, another type of undead(An abomination or a ghoul) could not?

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And how it’s still completely viable and acceptable for them to be shunned by a number of people.


Yes, but one thing at a time now that we are making progress so as they are not overwhelmed.


I’m gonna take this time to go on a slight tangent regarding this because I personally find it a really interesting RP narrative device. Personally I’m of the mindset that unless it’s an undead-focused guild with a heavy tie to the Horde or Alliance as a faction, you could justify an undead draenei in any sort of necromantic cult guild, or conversely in an Ebon Blade/Death Knight guild, but it would all come down to the character and the direction they’ve gone in.

An undead draenei who still holds onto the values they had in life and are largely unaffected by the trauma of reanimation wouldn’t fit in well with the aforementioned cult environment but would absolutely fit in well with the death knight crowd, or even still amongst draenei society as a whole (even if that existence would be controversial, full of scepticism and maybe even hostile with the Lightforged being a thing.)

Meanwhile an undead draenei who died in a particularly horrifying fashion and was resurrected with that trauma still fresh in their not-so-fresh mind I could absolutely see becoming a weapon of destruction hellbent on vengeance and thus fitting into a more occult guild.

I don’t really have much of a point to make with this I just think it’s neat that you can interpret a character’s death in a multitude of ways, allowing two characters who had extremely similar lives to have vastly different un-lives.


This is the thing as well, nobody argued that it couldn’t be done at all. Merely that you have to keep in mind what sort of character it is and what suits. And even then, other players might think differently or their characters might not agree IC.

But that was met with immediate backlash of how it is wrong to not readily accept any undead no matter what, who or where.

Okay then, when did it become about san’layn? (which is what I thought the original argument was since the whole thread is just filled with it now)

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This is also an amazing statement and the reason why I find Undead so fascinating! You guys are making me so proud today :smiling_face_with_tear:

They wrote a short poem relating to San’layn for fun of it and it went arguing from there as people started to say they were roleplaying one & explaining how that might or might not work depending on the situation.

Which was then unclear for a while(Until they openly said to just be playing an undead blood elf) as they constantly kept mixing together regular undeads, undead elves, darkfallen & San’layn to all be the same thing while arguing that any undead concept would work anywhere no matter what because undeads are accepted.