I Am Undead And I Need Help

Again, how Undead Elves disrupt your “canon Warcraft lore” and ruin your perfect immersive RP I have yet to understand. You see a problem and create drama where there is none. Compare it to Minecraft, what? Why so mad

The forums and the community at large are not some hivemind though. When almost everyone dogpiles your posts that’s a clear indicator where the problem lies and it’s not because someone cranked the Forum-O-Snark controller to 11 and commanded the forum posters to bash her.

I’ve said my piece, chief. You do you. I’m out of the fire zone.

I’d really love to see other undead players with similar concepts comment here to help me clarify my PoV or add their perspective, but, unfortunately, there weren’t any. Thanks for being around and good luck, Dethrak!

Don’t do it Kruule… Don’t tempt fate. You just came back from the void. You have so much to post for.

There you go.

Dark ranger players really didn’t need another person acting crazy on their behalf, but they found one anyway.


at least the dark ranger players have the courtesy of containing some of their crazy to unhinged tweets smh


Yeah, of course. That’s the trade off – people can do what they like, which includes the freedom to not do what they don’t like. AD is a big sandbox with space enough for all of us.

It depends, really. If they’re looking for feedback then go wild. In this case, they’ve been debating with everyone, which can be broadly interpreted as “open for discussion”, even if the tone they’ve taken in said discussion has gradually taken a turn for the hostile.

Extremely big true. People get carried away clowning on the other person, even when it’s gone way beyond what was productive - and I get it, I’ve done that too loads of times.


Again, how does that disrupt canon lore and the world of RP? You are playing a High Elf, so I assume you have a background for your character to be a High Elf who is in the Alliance. A former Scourge member regaining free will and lucidity of mind and joining the others is a very basic and simple concept of the Undead race. It doesn’t send you into Minecraft or break lore in any way.

Hope I don’t come off as crazy and/or unhinged.


only in the good ways


And this former Scourge member, do they happen to be an undead Thalassian elf with some blood-sucking tendencies?

Yeah, true. We have seen Darkfallen a-plenty do that.

You implied with “earlier years” that darkfallen existed before the first darkfallen were created.

Oh man. Not at all. She’s a fel-and-void-addled maniac. Current skin colour’s an illusion from last night.

Which kinda ties in I guess, flinging fel and being a void elf I don’t quite expect Alliance to be accepting and hugboxy towards her. The answer is to embrace being disgusting and combine some good ole’ bootlicking with some actually-being-useful.

Do you understand this question yourself, I wonder?

I did several times, though. Moving on!

Depends heavily on which former Scourge member and what type of undead. As already been said, the San’layn belonged to the higher ranked members of the Scourge who were under less control and seemed to have more personal agency. Which allowed them to better carry out difficult orders and keep the rest of the subservient Scourge in check.

Petition to stop replying to Quillestra. Good faith discussion and non-trolling clearly isn’t on the table here, so let’s stop playing our cards. No one’s convincing them of anything, either because they’re too set to die on this hill than listen to others (despite having started the discussion???) or simply trolling. If they weren’t trolling before, they 100% are now.

We’ll just wait until they try to make an Eredar to join Order of Oronaar and continue from there.


Good idea, whoever replies under this message loses. If everything goes fine, the thread will close in a month and we’ll all drink some tea and beer in Pandaria and laugh about it.

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