I Am Undead And I Need Help

Why are you lying? The comment that you linked refers to them saying you can RP an undead elf in general, no connection to their guild

Alright thanks for removing any shade of doubt that you are purely trolling for attention :bowing_man:

Have a good one see you never

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If the night elves would accept them.

And I have explained why so many times now. Dark rangers are the elite of the Forsaken’s military, since the Forsaken’s inception up to her betrayal they were deeply intertwined with Sylvanas herself. Not limiting the amount of dark rangers would go against the Rotgarde’s aesthetic - not because dark rangers are not undead, but because they would go from a fairly down to earth (by Forsaken standards) military unit to an elite regiment.

Such as?


You are even contradicting yourself, lol, what a sight

Yes, hence why I said option. As this is a little unclear at the moment. I’m personally on the fence that because of the options now existing, some did return, but it is completely fair for night elf players to not be very welcoming to them at all. And it would be nicer with future clarification on how exactly they were received in general.

Every character that people create for RP is unique and can be caught with the same question. Yeah you’re a human librarian, but who signed your contract? Anduin himself?

A human librarian would not need a signed contract though as they are already part of the group that they generally belong to+a fairly standard citizen job.

It is different when it is an organization/faction a character generally needs to join from the outside. Especially if the character also is an outsider.

Undead have recently become a common sight everywhere from cross-faction hubs to holy places, let alone in the community that originally nurtured undead beings of many kinds

Sir zeliek had 2 quests in WoD?

A little bit. At least it feels like it’s worth something on occasion, because there are nuances to this hobby that I think are really interesting to discuss - topics that should (or shouldn’t) be covered, where lines need to be drawn in regards to IC/OOC (just saying ‘keep it entirely seperate’ I think misses a lot of niche situations that aren’t actually that unlikely), interesting spins on tried and true archetypes or even stereotypes - all of that stuff I think is great.

The problem with a situation like this is that it feels like
“Hey, this isn’t a good idea - here’s X, Y, and Z to back up that point”
“…But it is a good idea.”

Not a welcomed sight, remember that death knights were greeted with rotten fruit and when the Forsaken tried to approach Stormwind diplomatically after the Third War their envoys never returned home.

They are most certainly not welcome here.

A faction firmly opposed to Scourge such as the San’layn.

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There’s a difference between Alonsus in Netherlight Temple or any number of undead in the Argent Crusade and something like a DK popping up in the cathedral and going “hehe death death defile death”

Also only stating things we see in-game - of course roleplayers are going to do whatever they wish and wherever they wish to do it. We shouldn’t take player-made ideas on the server and assume that they’re all canon, true-to-fiction representations of Azeroth.

Yes, but again. It depends on the context as I wrote in my lengthier response to you.

If you are a regular undead elf, go nuts. You can technically join either faction, but you would be more welcome within the Forsaken( And the Horde). And you do not need a special paper for it.

If it’s a special type of undead of any kind it, it might be trickier but depends completely on what undead, where they came from and what they used to belong to.

This goes back into the blending in thing. People accept somebody RPing a librarian because gorge, libraries need librarians and since Stormwind is bigger than it is in game, there will be many MANY libraries that need librarians.

Do the forsaken “need” your unique undead? That they probably wouldn’t let out of Undercity because it’ll scare the living?

There are people alive today who survived the OG scourge invasion, Wrath and now Slands who probably don’t want to see any out of the ordinary undead because it gives them flashbacks.

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Alonsus Faol, Meryl Felstorm, Leonid Barthalomew, Argent Apothecary Judkins and many more all say hello to you.

Just yesterday I saw a Draenei Death Knight girl (NPC) peacefully wandering around Valdrakken. And pretty much most public sights feature Forsaken vendors, teachers etc.

Thats a living Black Dragon.
Just uses an undead skin for whatever reason.

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This is what RP is literally for? To play a character? So I can’t play just because you think NPCs don’t need my character… Makes sense, guess I should delete my character then, because Croecell thinks they control the minds of all fictional fantasy characters in the game… Daaamn

My bad then, sorry, thanks. Still the argument about the Forsaken vendors stands true

Found her

I actually complained about it during beta. It makes no sense for her to use that specific skin.

Hold on, does that dehoove all draenei or is she just really weird?

Haha, that’s funny. What a trap :laughing: