I Am Undead And I Need Help

Can you at least try to be civil when discussing these things?

Croecell has done nothing to warrant that kind of response from you.

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I mean, you don’t have to be that dramatic about it but, go ahead I guess?

Look, RP is a collaboration and people who don’t enjoy others playing fast and loose with the lore don’t have to RP with those that do.

So RP your special character, but don’t get mad when others don’t want to engage with you because you’re breaking their immersion.

I’m sure you’ll find others that will take you in with open arms.

Croecell joined the conversation by calling me crazy. That’s enough for me to repay them with the same attitude.

Also, didn’t you bid us goodbye during the day?

God I am trying so hard, lord help me, I am trying so hard to be nice.


Quickly made an alt to check.
Hoof socks ?
it’s plate boots from the odyn raid for anyone wondering

Is literally the holiest man on Azeroth to some, Turalyon still almost killed him on sight in the Cathedral of Light.

Where is he welcomed with open arms?

Is the exception to the norm, and it’s entirely because of how long he has served the Argent Dawn / Brotherhood of the Light. As is the Argent Crusade itself.

He lives at Plaguewood Tower, literally the most plagued spot in all of Lordaeron. Again, there’s that Argent exception for him.

Last time I checked Valdrakken isn’t the Forsaken.

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need to try the jester costume ones, give sec–

and queue for b.net.

Will be back here in a sec when the game lets me in.


Wow, we have hooves, but trolls get their toes hidden?

Okay then.

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They didn’t. They responded to someone saying darkfallen roleplayers are crazy by saying that they hope that they themselves don’t come across as crazy.


This, I am a darkfallen roleplayer and I hope I do not come across as crazy at all.

Or more importantly-- the wrong crazy.


I figured they picked it because it’s a brown skin tone and Black Dragons have been moving more and more into having darker-skinned visages since Wrathion first appeared.
Which is weird in the context of a Draenei visage specifically but whatever…

To any evilmaxxed San’layn and darkfallen that are reading this thread, you’re welcome to join the Grim Gest/Siren Sooth :saluting_face:


Visages being utilized in utterly trash manner has been the staple of this expansion.

Didn’t they add a really dark purple skin or did I dream that up? Either way it would look a lot better and harken back to Onyxia’s colour scheme.

Yeah there’s always been a dark purple. That would have been neat but I guess we have what we have now.

I want other races as the visage form.

I will have my troll visage evoker!


Elves can be Forsaken.

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That’s the second weird plug in this thread alone.

That one?

Think its been in game all along.

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That’s the best plug in this thread! I am sooo hyped :black_heart:

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Yeah that one came with the new customisations. The other more muted dark purple has always been in the game.