I Am Undead And I Need Help

Oh. Oh, this must be a mistake. You’re - you’re who? No, no, no, I’m sorry, but I have to draw the line somewhere. I don’t know about Vivec or Caldera or any of those other little crap holes but we have certain standards here on the Red Mountain. I could handle the god damn lizard you know, but this is something else. A khajiit? Really? A freaking mouth-breathing cat? Is Azura even trying anymore? Moon-and-Star more like Moonsugar-and-Stoned. I’m surprised you didn’t go pawn the Wraithguard off to go buy some you little evolutionary cul-de-sac. You know I bust my rear, like I really try to make this place all reborn and purged and what do you do? Strip down to your skivvies and down seven bottles of skooma before punching a guard in the back of the head. You’re looking at me with that glazed over lobotomized look in your swiveled eyes, so I assume you can vaguely understand me. Take those clown feet of yours and lumber on out of here.


I think it’s a lot less of this and a lot more of people willingly ignoring what is being spelled out for them just to portray something that they think would be cool while claiming that it is canon.

It has happened before, and not just with the whole san’layn or alliance dark ranger debacle.

For example, depending on which side you were biased on during BFA, you either thought that the Alliance held the entirety of the Lordaeron continent bar Eversong Forest, or that the Horde controlled all of it bar Arathi Highlands, or in Shadowlands’ 9.2, where people tried to scream about how the Scarlet Crusade were totally super duper active again at that time in the storyline because there were glitched out level 30 NPCs in the half-baked 9.2 Tirisfal phase stuck on a lake.

People will just look at the lore and pick and choose and misinterpret the hell out of canon lore until it is no longer recognisable, and whenever someone says “this isn’t the way that it’s written out to be”, they’ll just point at a WoWpedia post that contradicts pretty much every other WoWpedia post about the subject and say that it’s absolutely canon because TECHNICALLY, in one quest from 2006…

Or ‘San’layn are Darkfallen, and Darkfallen are in the Horde, which means San’layn are in the Horde!’ without mentioning the little fact that Darkfallen is a term that literally just means undead elf.


A server dies when it becomes full of people like the bullies on this forum. Who think that they are the ones to decide what is good and what is evil, what is and what isn’t “canon”.

Who humiliate humble newcomers who just want to share their art and try to blend in. Great way to prompt more people to join the server and rp with you! Because of you people are scared to try rp and give up after getting harrassed to the core for no reason.

I’m glad to read the exact same talking points I’ve seen 14 years ago when someone gets put on a pedestal for trying to poop on canon lore.

Server is still alive since then btw, so if this is killing the community or the realm it’s taking a pretty long time.


Why do people like this have to do stuff in game? You’re on the official game, if the majority abides by the lore and at least try to fit in.

If you want to create your own community when you’re just another bad take on the concept, there’s other games, servers, communities and places.

Stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Shouldn’t have died then.


Why are you twisting my words to use it against me? Where did I say that we should ignore the official lore?

It’s like Mr. Dreadscorch describing his undead as having glowing runes or smth on his body. “But there are no tattoo/rune customization options for the undead characters!” Of course there are not, but we can imagine that it is perfectly fine for this character to have them regardless. And it doesn’t break the lore and disturb the immersion.

Then why are Death knight Draenei, a perfectly playable race-class combination, suddenly an obstacle? Why are the Darkfallen aka Undead Elves the thing that makes you so mad and angry that you are scared that the whole art of RP will die out? This is ridiculous.

Because most of the people playing them are melodramatic headless chickens who throw an absolute tantrum when they’re not accepted into RP for one reason or another.

Those reasons typically being
“No I’m actually playing a good guy and your character can’t hold any prejudices against mine or it’s bad RP”
“I should be allowed to RP in Stormwind without being attacked desptie the fact I’m playing a character that most likely has partook in harmful things for other characters”
Some forsaken guilds do just take forsaken and forsaken only. Sucks, but it is what it is - but again some DR players take it super personally.


Called it.


No, the complete lack of humility and consideration for fellow players does, as individuals and their wackiest ideas make meaningful interaction impossible.

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What you all have been showing me and many other players who got unfairly attacked for simply playing or sharing their art.

I thought it would be a cute reference and you’d appreciate that I remembered and used it, and yet it has become just another argument to be used against me. Kinda sums up this thread and the people’s attitude here.

Bit generous tbf

All san’layn are darkfallen because darkfallen just means undead elf, not all darkfallen are san’layn. All forsaken are undead, not all undead are forsaken.

It is almost like having a cosmetic appeareance like tattoos or facial hair that cannot be portrayed through the model but have been portrayed through established lore is entirely different to saying that a faction of members of the Scourge are a part of the Horde because if one kind of undead elf is in the Horde then it means that EVERY kind of undead elf is in the Horde!

It’s almost as if just because I can play an orc warlock, it doesn’t mean that the orcs of the Burning Legion are inside the Horde! Or as if just because I can transmog a Scarlet Crusade tabard and walk into Stormwind OOC, it doesn’t mean that Scarlet Crusaders are accepted in Stormwind!

You know, it is almost as if you are trying to tear down every single thing that others roleplay that are perfectly acceptable to the setting or even things that are written in the actual canon just because people won’t accept your headcanon [member of a faction of the Scourge].

And maybe way more people would actually be fine with roleplaying it out with you if you didn’t take people telling you that your outlandish concept is indeed, outlandish like a personal slight or 'you’re just saying that because you’re friends with [person who also disagreed with me].

Seriously. Starting to swing left and right at every single trait a character could have just because you have people telling you that you’re roleplaying a member of the Scourge and you’re misinterpreting both the lore and everything that’s being told to you sounds like something that you have to work on. Not the realm.


I am not even doubting that this comment will receive lots of hearts.

I know my poem wasn’t a masterpiece, and I never claimed it was one. But I still took my time to rhyme 10 lines and make them relevant to the topic. And I didn’t do it for money or for content, I just shared it with a small bunch of people on this forum. And you are all now hurting and insulting me for that.

Exemplary behavior.

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I’m sure the countless presently living victims of the Scourge would be thrilled to have someone whose entire kind is associated with that group, casually walking around because they ‘pledged loyalty’.
Especially the Horde, who were actively betrayed by san’layn who feigned a pledge of loyalty in sorta-recent years by lore.

I don’t think people are saying “do not play this”, but there have to be a few stipulations applied or else everything that makes the lore (and by association, the setting you’re playing in) interesting, just melts into a gray muddy mess.

This thread could prove a beneficial read for you, once you’ve cooled down.

Kind regards, someone who used to main a San’layn.

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No one actually said that there’s anything wrong with RPing a death knight draenei, this is a figment of your imagination.

People said it’s challenging. Which it is. Not all concepts are made equal, not all combinations are as easy to RP (with) in accordance to the lore as others.


I’ll admit I am being somewhat (very) rude, but given that you’re the umpteenth undead elf player who throws a tantrum because RP doesn’t go their way - sorry, but I’m all out of sympathy at this point.

Cut the OOC melodrama and maybe you’ll actually enjoy this damn hobby. Otherwise feel free to keep kicking up fuss over every little thing and then unironically wondering why nobody wants to associate with you.


I’m rapidly hitting the wall of “why are you booing me? I’m right” and get the impression that giving an accurate assessment of an attempt to insert a hostile, scourge character into orgrimmar will simply sort me into the pile of reactionary bullies.

Other players who adhere to established lore are under no obligation to tolerate your character and if you insist on creating your own safe space to pursue it you have made an active choice to withdraw from the rest of the server and can blame no one but yourself.

Your isolation and people’s negative reactions will be entirely your own doing for playing something with no basis in the lore and not the doing of a stubborn crowd of anti’s and naysayers and you are not a hero of the server for joining the likes of sanctioned eredar.

As someone genuinely arguing in good faith and trying to help a new player; Your best option would be to play an antagonist scourgespawn where your niche concept can actually thrive. Best of luck!


This really doesn’t compute