I assume boosting is now allowed on Classic "Fresh"?

I can only assume Blizz has no issue with boosting anymore cuz trade is FLOODED with it. Like every third trade message is “WTS boost”. I thought boosting was banned from SoD days and wouldn’t defile Fresh from the Era chaos?

I get that banning bots is more tricky, but if boosting isn’t allowed why are Blizz so complacent in not managing this? Or is it allowed now? If so, then why have the option to report?

Im guessing you are on the pvp realm, on the pve realm its a little better, as long as enough people report them for advertising outside of the services channel the amount of boosting advertised in trade chat is rather low

Ye, Spineshatter.

On the pve server we dont have that many trade chat boosters, think we have more people who report them when they try


Boosting is not forbidden, but adverts must be done in the service channel only. And apparently also it is not allowed to use lvl 1 alts for spamming as well.


Exactly, boosting is allowed i made a support request few weeks ago for have a “official” answer and i got this :

Boosting is permitted as long as it is not organized as part of a group. You can help individual players with in-game items/currencies, and you can advertise this. Please note, however, that you must use the appropriate chat channels.

Just don’t use /1 channel, a friend got banned one week for using /1

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Boosting has always been allowed and was never outlawed in any iteration of WoW

RMT boosting is explicitly not allowed, and GDKPs were banned on SoD, maybe that´s where the confusion lies :beers:

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Boosting is highly connected to gold buying tho

Buying consumes on AH on Wednesday at 19:00 for double the usual market price is also “highly connected to gold buying”, yet it can not be combatted without also affecting loads of legit last minute raid loggers.

So you think letting ppl have more stuff to spend gold on like boosting, should stay then, just cause consumes are expensive?

if boosters are banned due to a presumed high participation rate of gold buyers then so too should people that buy consumes late day/evening of wednesdays & sundays. Or a more apt analogy would be to shut down the AH entirely or shutdown the AH before & during peak hours

That’s outright silly

glad you see the issue in banning boosting

Just look at his post history. He hates wow and sees everything in it as transactional.


Bosting was never banned. Banned was advertising in channels outside of services, but most boosters doing adv with lvl 1 on fresh accaunt so they dont care about bans

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No I don’t. I see your point as silly. Boosting is a slot bigger reason to buy gold that what getting consumed is.


No? Most gold buyers play 1 or 2 chars, they are already 60. How many gold buyers do you even know to speculate like this? Every guild I’ve been in the gold buyers have been raid loggers with busy lives

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Just don’t buy gold. If consumes are too expensive, just do without for a while and prices will decrease dramatically.
If you can’t achieve your goals in the game without buying gold, maybe change your goals or play another version of the game (Cata classic is less time consuming and more challenging in many aspects) or whatever.
As simple as that. Yeah i don’t have to tell ppl what they can do or not but RMT brings too much problems, it’s killing the game…

And gold buyers use our taxes to buy gold. So we are paying for our own downfall. Not cool.

So? What does this post mean even?