I bought a lvl 60 boost today... and I'm shocked and disappointed

Hey there,

I already had four lvl 60 chars, including two chars I consider both my main chars and raid with since the start of Shadowlands. Today I saw lvl 60 boosts are available now and since I’m a) very very lazy and b) hate leveling with a passion I boosted an old char.

I have to admit I didn’t really follow the patch notes and the so-called QoL changes but where are they?

I can not mount in the Maw (except the Shadehound ofc). They Eye of the Jailor is present. I can not enter Korthia. I have to free the Soulcarver. I’m sent to Torghast to free Baine. I have no but three conduits. I mean no, I didn’t expect them to be 252 but at least all the base ones (145 I think?). I’m bombarded with quests I, after all this months, do no want to do again.

I just wanted to have a good time. Having to do everything for the fifth time is not fun.


The skips are all account bound. If you have done it once then you can skip the 9.1 introduction, there is no need to free Baine. Go and talk to some NPCs


God is punishing thoose who buy a boost, its normal.


What item level gear did you get ?


You’ve done it wrong by the sounds of it. Its all skipable. Not only that but I don’t get the luxury of playing very often, maybe 2-3 hours a day if I very lucky, but most of the time its less. I leveled a hunter to 60 last week, it has about 12 hours played time at 60 and I have a lot of the conduits I need from 184-213, it also has 77 renown and tomorrow I’ll have 80. I’ve hardly done Torghast, I think I did it 3 times to get a lego and you can just repeat it. As for gear, I just bought the honor gear and upgraded it all to 220 PvP ilvl. In the world I run around in War Mode for the extra item level, and when I get chance I will play some 2v2 for fun and for conquest. Saved enough for the weapon. I’m actually really enjoying 9.1.5 for catch up. Its easy, guess it depends how much or little work you want to put in. I’ve done 12 hours over a week, but if you want to put less time than that in, you’re probably playing the wrong game. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love it if I could simply get to 60 and not have a bunch of different systems to grind, but unfortunately that’s the World…of warcraft we live in today. Kinda excited, kinda scared for 9.2 tbh because I’m enjoying 9.1.5, and the introduction of another system/currency we have to grind.

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Imagine buying a game, then pay monthly sub for that game just to pay 60 EUR to skip the game.



You are the chosen one. Chosen to be punished for purchasing the 60 boost that is.


This cannot be

If you have reached a certain point in the 9.1 campaign you unlocked it accountwide

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Questing isn’t exactly intriguing in WoW. I don’t play WoW because it’s such a great questing experience, I play it because it’s one of few mmos that does dungeons correctly. I hate the questing part of WoW.


Dude, what did you expect? That you pay for level 60 boost and get immediately raid gear and everything unlocked? You still gotta play at least some of the content to earn stuff. :laughing:

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140 as they said.

No were in the OP did they say 140 and i do not use US forums so i thats why i asked …

No no, I meant an author of the US forums said it is 140.


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In BFA the boost gave you gear enough to actually do something and you got your heart boosted as well. I’ve had chars better geared from lvling normally than this boost gives when hitting 60 even before 9.1, lol. My paladin on alliance has several lvl 60 normal pieces in its bags because people just load them over to you when they’ve done the dungeons for their callings, it would be ilvl 170ish or something when/if I finish lvling it unless someone gives me more gear they don’t want.


They could put to game shop somekind deluxe char boost what would boost your char to 60 comes with full "umique recolored tier set for your boosted char just leave achievements out from that packet.

Wow Back in time was fun in both ways


^^ This

Every new alt I get to 60 I skip, it’s just a case of talking to the NPCs again and getting the relevant skip.

Don’t forget to buy your 40 renown in Oribos at the flight master as well.


In the screenie seems to be 148


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Considering the price, the boost should automatically boost one to at least ilvl 200 with all the basic things unlocked. What it currently grants is utterly underwhelming for how much it costs.


Now u need to buy a gear carry boost from boosting communtites. U r welcome brah. Or u need months to gear up.