I bought a lvl 60 boost today... and I'm shocked and disappointed

It’s a character boost, you pay to skip levelling. It’s basically done the 1-60 stuff and now you can start with end game.

The gear has always been lowish and it’s not as if skips are available in game. You can send a full set of Korthia gear over that is item level 200. You can buy 40 renown.


That is a pretty bad deal for 60 euros though. It is more expensive than the actual game and the base edition of the expansion. It should offer a bit more than 10h saved for leveling up a single character.

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Euhm ye if you kept playing you didn’t needed to do that all

Not really, it shouldn’t be a good deal.

Eh, the gear you got from the boost in BFA was just below normal dungeons ilvl at ilvl 68, you got ilvl 72 from normal drops. This gear you get now in SL from the boost isn’t even close.

I suppose we should agree to disagree then. 60 euros for boosting a single character to max level and extremely low ilvl gear is pretty unreasonable. For that price I would personally expect the starter gear to be higher or to be able to boost more than one character.

Which I think is intended. As I said it shouldn’t be a good deal. Also if you are boosting an additional character then you should be able to buy or have Korthia gear to send over (my characters on hitting 60 are over 200 in 5 minutes.)

If you are new then you should work your way though gearing.

Considering they still desire to gain money from this feature, I see no reason why it should be a bad deal.

Maybe it is not for once, maybe it is to provide a service (let’s be honest they will not sell many of these)

We have the 17% event next week. Levelling from 1-60 will be a matter of hours for anyone with a slight clue of how to do it.

Yes, this is why I question this decision. Because it is an extremely poor service, considering leveling is extremely fast these days.

I think we are making the same point, just in a different way. Which leads me to the conclusion that it is supposed to be bad and they are not making it value for money. Which makes you wonder why they bother at all with all the stick they get from releasing it.

For example if you got a full set of Heroic raid gear and the mythic mount people would buy it in droves… but they are not (The melt down would be legendary as well)

You may consider that amazing gear. I did not. The first thing I did after boosting a character to 50 was send it gear tokens. Grab cheap max level gear off the AH, do things like the Warfront quest if it was up and hit up any WQs that dropped anything of use.

It was never a service that included worth while gear.

Yeah, but there’s like 40 ilvl difference now in SL between the boosted gear and the gear from normal dungeons, in BFA it was 4 ilvl difference.

Weren’t BFA wq’s great heheh.

Technically you are correct, however both set’s are equally useless.

Well, no. You could go into m+ with that gear in BFA but with the boosted gear in SL, you’re going to get slaughtered in m+ at this point.

this gear is enough to get started, tbh If you dont want to do youur campaign or even just play the game dont SUB its so easy to get fast gear its ridicolous. honestly Blizzard have made it too easy now.

Bruh, what.

M+ dropped 3 pieces in BFA, now it only drops 2.

It is not. Unless you have Korthia gear to send, this gear will not be sufficient to get you into 9.1. content.

And wq’s are lame.