I bought a lvl 60 boost today... and I'm shocked and disappointed

^^ This, I really don’t understand the fuss over the ilvl. It would make no difference if it had a few more ilvls. It’s still absolutely rubbish gear you replace instantly.

You still have just dinged people doing M+ now, in equally bad gear or worse, it’s generally easier to get friends/guildies to boost you though.

Also my main can littlarly get 2 boosted chars to 210 ilvl in no time, second of all if you have a guild its so easy to do M0 at 150 ilvl if they boost you Quick… this service was never intended to get you an easy start in the first place it would be stupid to give someone 190 ilvl gear tbh

Never seen anyone in equal or worse gear than that now in season 2 tbh and I’ve run quite a lot of low keys.


That’s from the mail they sent out.

“Up to speed”, get gear that’s far worse than someone lvling through dungeons. I don’t really consider that “Up to speed”.

To me it sounds like your character is ready to start being played in the latest content by how they worded it. At ilvl 148, that’s really not the case. You’re going to have to spend hours upon hours to get it to the latest content unless you already have a character at max level that makes you able to skip everything and that can feed you korthia gear or gold for buying the 200 gear from AH.

That’s not even considering the covenant campaign being a requirement to even do the Korthia campaign. Not up to speed at all.

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Jesus. 60 euro. 60.


I’ve joined +2s where the lead is just dinged, they nearly alwasy want to make me lead as well, but sensible people just send some gear over IMO. We have the tokens now. It’s just some stygia.

Up to speed, yes, you can go and do the level 60 content, just like any other character you ding 60 by doing the grind yourself.

I never understand when people expect a character boost to be a gearing skip. It’s a levelling boost.

The services are very overpriced. No one has to use them. Levelling is reasonably fast these days. But a skip is available for those who want it.


How is it either of those things to buy a boost if you don’t want to level?

It also doesn’t have to be your first character. Maybe you stopped playing before you could get the skips and now coming back and want to try a new class.


Nailed it.


I did the skip on an alt (not boosted) and there seems to be some issues with it.
When I dinged 60 I had no options but covenant questline. Questlog said that I had to complete my covenant questline before I could start chains of domination (and unlocking Korthia).
I too could not mount in the Maw, and had to do the Torghast opening, the Crafing Leggo opening (stolen memory) and saving Baine.

I went to Oribos several times by FP, nothing there aside of the weekly quest and normal hub quests, I spend a very long time online to see what I could possibly have done wrong or how to fix the issue.
Eventually I gave up, and just HS’ed to my covenant to then do those quests, and as soon as I used my HS and landed at the covenant, Bolvar popped up and called me to Oribos to start Korthia quest :exploding_head:

From that point on, there has been no issues, and I can mount in the maw and could start Korthia and chains of domination questline spite not having finished my covenant questline.

:+1: I’ve had to log out several times on newly dinged characters to trigger skips after interacting with the required NPC (it seems to be a pretty common thing)

Do the Baine quest, do the soulcarver, go to oribos to hand in, return to venari if you looted the thingy. Then try going to Oribos, HSing to covenant - That whats set all the things in motion for me on my (not boosted) level 60 alt.

Yes, well the questing will continue to be poor because they know they can charge whales £50 and they’ll buy the level hack cheat.

Create the problem, sell the solution. Or more specifically they just let the problem continue because they know the solution can be sold.

Now if you don’t like open-world gameplay and questing in principle, then all that can be said is why exactly are you playing an MMORPG? What drew you here? This isn’t and should not be a session based waiting room game. Though it is becoming that, with much of the reasoning being the above.

The absurdity of it all.

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You mean the armaments yes? Is there a way of choosing which item slot you want to buy or is it still random? About to level an alt to 60 and want to send her gear but scared I will get 2 bracers or so :rofl:

There is a vendor now - they cost more but you can be specific, no neck though for some odd reason. Though you can buy a 230 one and use that.

More stygia? Would be nice if they cost research I have plenty of that…

Stygia but that flows now - I’ve got over 50K of it across my characters and I’ve been spending it for new alts.

How?! I seem to be stuck sitting at 1,8k :rofl:

Though in my defence I did buy the Night Fae armour set in Korthia for 5k!

idk I just play the game (I’ve all four armours and mounts too)

I do too…D:

As you can see… :sweat_smile:

Edit: well that is a horrid attempt at posting a picture lol

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How you managed to upgrade all your Honor gear in a week is beyond me…especially with your supposed playtime.
Especially with the recent Honor nerf, most people I know who do nothing more than PvP just go straight for 1.4K rating now with Honor wep as BG’s are just not worth it anymore.