I bought gold

You have to do something really bad in order to get perma banned.

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This is my first ever ban in 17 years. Because I’m barely playing or breaking any rules

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Is there a discord channel for wow trade retail / classic ?

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There is a really big thread on the German forum. Maybe somebody wants to make somthing like it here to help with that?

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Gold buyers and sellers are cancer. The ah is made for gold buyers.

Krol blade at 1k. Fock you guys.

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Buying Gold is something I really don’t get. I don’t even get buying Boosts or Mounts or transfers or whatever. I pay to play the game. Why would I pay again to not play the game? But if people want to do it legally, I prefer them to do it in one place instead of opening new threads all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

The day blizzard stop selling gold, we will stop buying gold.

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That’s not actually how it works. You don’t buy something somebody is selling just because they’re selling it.

People sell things specifically because people buy them. If nobody bought it, it wouldn’t be worth selling.

Let me give you an example. You sound young.

Dangerous drugs are illegal, should the goverment prohibit and combat more against it or should the goverment legalize it and sell it so they can profit from this dangerous substance?

Gold demand is high, so instead blizzard giving harsh bans and constantly combat gold sellers they become part of the problem by selling gold themselves, so they can profit from this too.

In the same game you have 2 set of rules, one promotes it and the other one prohibts it.

The hypocricy for me annoys me. Like make up your mind Blizzard. You can fool other young players here but not me. But I understand marketing enough that everytime you ban something it becomes more valuable to sell. Just like when goverments ban bitcoins and they have bought thousands of them, it becomes more valuable. Same thing with gold, you want to sell gold and you try to max profit from it, so you must make it illegal in one hand and the other hand sell the gold to give you maximum profit return.

Don’t try to come up with another ’clever’ answer.


That first part is not true at all, lots of dangerous drugs are legal. In fact most drugs are dangerous if you take too many of them. Hell, water is dangerous if you drink too much of it so should we ban water?

I do know what you meant, it’s more about Illegal sellers and the impurities of their drugs.

Only in retail, no gold is sold by Blizzard in any classic game.

Like you trying to come up with a “Clever” reply?

…I’m 30, but sure. Have at it.

‘Should’ is irrelevant, many dangerous drugs are perfectly legal. I spent a good amount of my adult life on anti-depressants. Perfectly legal, kind of dangerous and very addictive.

That’s exactly what I said. The market came from people looking to buy gold, it didn’t come from people thinking “hey this guy is selling gold, guess I might as well buy some”. Going back to your ‘dangerous drugs’ theme, do you go out and buy class-A substances just because somebody is selling it?

Well, that’s not specifically true. It’s not the act of buying/selling gold that is against the rules, it’s where you get it from. Again, drugs. You can legally buy painkillers from a pharmacy, you can’t legally buy the same painkillers from Dave behind Tesco.

Blizzard gave up on trying to tackle gold sellers years ago and decided to undercut them instead, thinking it would tackle bots.

It didn’t tackle bots and RL sellers instead started selling rank and raid boosts.

Then come up with a better argument instead of sticking to your “black and white” viewpoint.

I reiterate; people don’t buy gold just because somebody is selling it. People buy gold because they want gold.

Both of you missed the point. Or you guys might work for blizzard as undercover trying to defend blizzard actions.

Please don’t answer me back that they are both totally different games, retail and classic. Same rules apply in both cheating, botting etc are all same. One thing is different: retail sells gold, classic doesn’t. It doesn’t make any sense.

As long as there are something for sale by blizzard, it means blizzard promotes it.

If you want to answer back, then answer back this:
Why they didn’t perma ban me? Or hundreds of thousands players who buy and sell gold.


Let the players buy gold from classic


Remove gold selling from retail and give us perma bans only if you are against selling and buying gold.

I can’t believe I had to answer this. I thought I’ll just ignore this whole forum. It’s so obvious that it bothers me that I need to explain myself

Good luck guys, or undercover Blizz employees. 2005-2010 was the best times, the rules were clear from blizzard.


I’m older than you and I am young! So you are young! :stuck_out_tongue:

If either of us worked for Blizzard, we’d have zero forum activity.

That’s not even remotely relevant to anything that I said, but sure, I’ll bite:

Gold has worth and meaning on Classic. You need it for repairs, consumables, respecs, mount training, gems, enchants, levelling professions.

Retail has had YEARS of inflation, so much so that gold is essentially completely worthless. Blizzard have had to add things in the game that cost upwards of 5 million gold just to try and tackle some of the massive inflation.

They didn’t perma ban you because you didn’t do anything that warrents a perma ban. The way to deal with gold trading is similar to how the police force deal with drag dealing: going after the buyers is a waste of time. It’s better to go for the dealers and the menufacturers.


I don’t care what happens on retail and nor should you.

No offense intended here: but you’re not doing a very good job at explaining yourself.

And still as poorly enforced as they are now.

I sexually identify as old.

Maybe it just took them 8 years to ban the bot and find out what you done.


Wish all of you a perma as you gold buyers literally support botting. Don’t care about your reasoning as farming gold is super easy. Also stop saying everyone is buying gold. It’s only you, the loud minority living in your own bubble somehow saying that to justify your purchase.

Also to OP. No idea if that is true, but 8 years is kind of a long time. If you did not buy gold nowadays who really cares.


But everyone is buying gold lol. Some of these big servers in the US & EU have reported like a 50% decrease in player activity since this banwave. So either mass amounts of people just happened to stop playing at the same time or they got caught in the recent banwave. I would put my bets in the latter.

You got people buying gold all over this game since classic started a few years back. Both from third party sites and blizzard token trading. Let’s not try to pretend it’s a minority of the playerbase. SOM is probably made up of like 30-40% of people that buy gold & 20-30% bots. In actual fact the people that don’t do any of these things fall in to a minority of the playerbase currently active in SOM.

Just cause a few white Knights jump on the forum to defend the sh**show that is SOM at every opportunity it doesn’t take away the fact that this problem has been directly created by blizzard and the playerbase.

It still amazes me that a bunch of people can provide a better classic experience than the creators of the game doing it from their bedrooms with limited resources. Botting was pretty much none existent on private servers and was dealt with swiftly and harshly. Had blizzard took the same approach and created an environment that people didn’t need to buy gold to stay ahead of the curve then the game would be is much better place.

Its also funny to see people claiming that gold buyers are this and that, yet the same people will happily take the gold from a broken system and economy from said gold buyers. Gold buyers aren’t solely responsible for breaking the economy that comes down to playerbase greed. The guy who doesn’t buy gold but thinks it okay to go on a GDKP raid and take 5k gold at the end of it or the person who farms materials and sell then for ridiculous amounts of gold on the AH. Everyone is part of the system and has to bear some responsibility for what the game has become.

Ok lets throw some random %'s into the room to make things believable. It’s a loud minority especially on reddit. Only because half of som got banned does not mean that half of the playerbase all around tbc buys gold. It’s goldbuyers justifying their small brain into goldbuying being the right move telling themself that it’s ok to buy gold.

Oh and stop with this “materials are high price cause of goldbuyers”. They are not. Check wowhead comments from 2007 on mats for x y z crafted items. They were the same price back then. Shocker I know.


Yeah there’s posts on Reddit and also people doing scans on EU and the playerbase had dropped significantly. The EU drop was apparently 60% from December. I very much doubt the guy is lying since he makes YouTube videos on it & shows the data.

Pretty sure black lotus want selling for 200g a pop in 2004-2007 or people paying 30k gold for 1 BWL item like in classic. SOM prices will eventually go the same way.

And I’m saying that the same people who are so highly critical of gold buyers are more than happy to benefit from it indirectly by taking that gold wether it’s from GDKP, AH, 1000g for Lionheart helm craft etc etc. But it’s okay you earned that 5k gold for facerolliing BWL for an hour and it’s legit gold (even though you know the buyers have probably spent £1000s in gold).

Toxic system and toxic playerbase led & created by a company that has no clue.

No all you are saying is that cheaters dictate other peoples hard work. It’s not like normal people did not farm for the gold and earned it. The economy is close to the one it was in original BC. I don’t care about som, but speaking of tbc it is almost the same.

Primal prices / ores / herbs were all the same as they are today, believe it or not. And those were the go to when it came to gold apart from jewelcrafts. That has nothing to do with people buying gold and inflating the market.

Sure people who join gdkps know that they are surrounded by goldbuyers and I think it’s obvious when you have people bidding 10k+ on an item that’s outdated, not bis and pretty bad, but I for example never joined a gdkp yet am sitting on more gold I could ever spend and I am tired of people devaluing other peoples work because somehow cheaters are the reason for why normal people are rich.

Whole reason you can get rich with normal farms is not goldbuyers but minmaxers paying everything they can for a tiny bit of more dps and if it happens to be a high demand / low supply item you will even profit more from those.