I bought gold

…. About 8 years ago in retail, and now I got suspended :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I think blizzard really needed that monthly fee to show good result to Microsoft so they can sell the company for 70 billion. Oh well :joy:


I don’t really care if someone buy’s gold if a player has to much and wants to make quick cash on the side sure why not as long as that player farms it and not a program I think it’s all good in my opinion =)

P.S sorry about that ban =(


It’s all good… I deserve it. But quite late ban. Although I have been accepting gold from my mate lately. Don’t know if that has triggered the system or he has bought the gold.

Doesn’t change anything really but I’ve given thousands of golds away and received it thousands of golds

are there people who don’t buy gold?


Hypocrite Blizzard… Even Blizzard sells gold themselves in retail in another form

I think the only way to avoid ban is to buy it in retail and then trade it in classic som.

Ps: got banned too


Better late than never. Good riddance


it’s only short ban. Doesn’t affect anything I do now or did back then. Also blizzard sells the gold themselves. How do you react to that?:sweat_smile:

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I expect nothing less from blizzard. However, players should be better.

8 years, I don’t think so, you did something far more recently to get banned. You just won’t tell us what it is.

My guess? AFKing in a BG.

Ok. I think I’ll do that next time if I need gold. I don’t know why they make it hard and indirect to sell gold…

Berny never.


I don’t care what you think :joy: it was ban from gold buying as it states in the letter. End of story. Couldn’t care less about pvp


Where do you buy gold for Classic WoW from Blizzard themselves?
Or… Can’t you do that?

You buy a token in retail sell it and trade gold to them for gold on SOM character. Lots of people were using mages in classic to make gold in retail because they could effectively farm more gold per hour using a mage to AOE/boost and would make deals with players playing classic to make a toon on retail to trade to token gold.

So yeah it’s okay to buy gold, but only if you buy from blizz and do it in a roundabout way.

I believe they had a discord for it and probably still do.


I don’t :slight_smile:
Though, I love people buying gold and then those same people are complaining about the rampant bots in the world…

I wonder why? lol.


Another funny thing about people buying gold is that all of these guilds that run GDKP are effectively fuelling the p2w aspect of the game knowing full well that the people who go on these raids are obviously buying gold when they’re spending 3-5k on 1 item from Molten Core. Should they also be banned for facilitating a toxic environment and recieving the illegal gold from their paying customers?

The whole game is just a toxic cesspool of player created problems that’s driven by greed & corruption wether it’s selling items, bracket mafias, doxxing players, account sharing, buying gold, botting, mass reportings, racism, corrupt loot councils and so on.

There was one good thing about SOM & that ended in the first 2 weeks. The hype for a fresh server and the levelling & world PvP during that time. Literally everything after this has just been a huge fail from Blizzard & the playerbase.


Yeah i get my gold from playing the game, crazy i know



I’m just minding my own business. Haven’t hurt anyone. I’ve decided the day I get perma ban, I’ll just quit. This is just a game that I spend 4-5 hours a week. Won’t change much if I spend that time on another game. Or perhaps just quit gaming. I think I’m getting old :joy: it’s been over 17 years now


That’s what I think too. Then I click on “Create a new character” and zugzug til max level.