I can fly.... Now what

Now you can unsub till 8.3 when Blizzard will finally open for causals the content they added in 8.2 for nolifers aka in dungeon Finder.

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I don’t want to unsub I’m looking for inspiration thanks.

I’ve got alts to level that’s not a problem I’ve actually got a few others too 120 but it’s the repetitiveness of it I’m currently working on my worgen rogue to get him to 120 so I can get his heritage and new model next expansion but I’m looking for somthing new to sink my teeth in to.

The Mechagon dungeon looks pretty cool I’m looking forward to that and I think I’ll start raiding again with my guild

Professions don’t really interest me this expansion there’s no money to be made in them… Well actually no money for a few expansions lol.

I’m not a pvper not really, I enjoy the comp stomp brawl when that’s up but that’s about it. Gearing well it’s just gearing again repeating the same stuff to become more powerful maybe I’ll look into mythic + I havn’t done any of that for a while.

I’ll take all the comments on board though and I’m sure in the vastness of wow I can find somthing I might start collecting battle pets I did a few battles in mechagon to help with the rep and I’ve kinda been bitten by the bug :joy:.

But thanks everyone for your input I’m sure I’ll find somthing :blush:


Get to exalted with new factions maybe ?
Level a alt
do mythic
farm mounts from new rares
Farm pet from new rares

To be fair there should stil be a few opportunities to make gold like mount equipement, potions and BOE trinkets as well as gathered ressources.

Was you under the impression flying would unlock more / new content?
It just lets you do what you’ve been doing more efficiently.
If that stuff isnt enjoyable to you well… it is what it is.

You could stand on the busiest mailbox, sing “I believe I can fly” all day long and get gold for doing so.

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mechagon, the eternal palace, unlock essences, reach exalted, farm rares more easily, erp in goldshire inn etc etc

What now?

Fly you fool!



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I’m still 2-3 weeks from flying - but to be honest I can’t see that it’ll make any difference. I had all classes to 120 a few months ago so alts aren’t an issue. Professions are (almost) useless so no point farming. WQ’s in any zone are easily doable with normal mount and FMW.

The only thing I can see as a help if you’ve flying is ganking and/or escaping…so if you play WM off it’s really not necessary.

I’ll still get it as use it though.

That’s not so bad. I’m probably at least 6 months before I get flying.

You have reached your destination - Google map.

See you in 8.2.5!
Or just… level and gear alts or something.
This xpac is pretty encouraging to at least have 2 chars.

I suggest playing through the war campaign of both factions even if you’re a hardcore fan of one, just to get the whole story.

That is, if you even give a damn about the story. Which… if you don’t, is pretty understandable right now. In that case, see you in 8.2.5!

RIP ur real life.

I love it when people who haven’t even done LFR nor have any arena rating ask “WhAAT iS ThEre To Do AGhghA”.

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Get to mechagon paint yourself blue And yell I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa :stuck_out_tongue:


Arena is for people that knows how to play PVP, i never do arena because i suck at PVP

Achievements, Mythic raiding, pvp, professions, heart of azeroth, mounts, pet battles, farming money, transmogs… just a few?

Now is the time to raise an alt. I haven’t bothered before, but now I might.

Also I cherrypick the heck out of everything. I do the 850 rep quest in Mecha, and the 3 bodyguard quests in Naz, and outside of that mostly just runelocked chests. The point of this is to maximise my return on (time) investment, while leaving me free to do the content I actually like; specifically M+ and raiding. Reducing my grinding load by ~45 mins per day is potentially 7 extra dungeons per week.

Got my demon hunter to 120 Thats why i did now i got flying