I cant get new bird mount cause i canceled my 12 month sub renewal?

i have wow sub for 2 years more years, it expires at this month in 2026 but i cant get this new month without subing for 12 year again? i dont wanna set it to automatic renewal cause i dont want it to keep buying 1 year when i alrdy have 1 year stacked from recruit a friend cause 12 month sup keeps paying after 12 month passes it doesnt care if you have 1 more year there waiting to be spent.

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Yep, this is a subscription-only offer for those with a future renewal date. Just like how the previous ones have worked so far.

Edit: You’ll need to maintain the renewal (which you didn’t) or start a new 6/12 months subscription to receive the rewards.

If you’re currently on a 6-month or 12-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date, you’ll receive the mount and pet as a gift in your Battle.net desktop app at no additional charge no later than July 23, 2024 (must be redeemed by January 31, 2025).

Also, if you’ll be eligible it will be in your launcher app, under gifts. After relogging it will be in your collection to unwrap.

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Set it to automatic renewal and then set a reminder on any calendars on your phone and/or pc or laptop to cancel your sub one or two weeks before it’s due.


this is the tactic.

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cant do that after canceling one time

i dont think that will work , it says 6 or 12

buy in the store

Same thing happaned to me. I have sub until end of 2025. But got no mount or pet. I had to add another 6 month sub to get my rewards. Theres like a year of sub alrady on my account but didnt get anything for it.

This smells like a scam. It doesnt care if you have sub until 2030 u still have to buy new sub…

I’m guessing they can’t differentiate between a paid for subscription and a sub bought with gold? :person_shrugging:

A person buying their subs with gold should get it too tbh since Blizzard gets more out of it [€20 vs €13 per month, €120 vs €66 per 6 months].

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I dont buy sub with gold. I use my credit card but still no mount or pet until I bought another 6 month sub

They definitely can. And do.

They’re trying to get people to get an actual subscription (and set it to auto-renew, as this is a common tactic for subscription based services; many people tend to forget they even have the running sub).

Gametime is a different thing and this is bought with the WoW token. This type of thing does not count towards their promotions.

So the only way to make sure you get these promotions is to have an active 6-month sub with auto renew on.

I do think they should fix it so you can re-apply ‘auto renew’ when you have an active subscription that you canceled before the time runs out. It’s a greedy tactic not to allow this; getting people to buy more subscription time as it’s the only way to get a new ‘auto renew’ status.

You don’t need to actually buy a sub, you simply need there to be a renewal date. It won’t cost you anything until that date (if you don’t cancel before that).

Not sure how it works from now though, can you set a renewal date without buying another 12 (or 6) months?

If you had waited until July 23 you would’ve likely received it at no additional charge, if you had a future renewal date for a 6 or 12 months sub that wasn’t cancelled.

These mount promotion are only for Subscriptions, as was all previous ones for the past several years.

Yes and no, if you buy a subscription it generally bills you at end of cycle hence subscription with future renewal date. Should you not cancel that is.

We’ve bolded the important parts in my previous post for clarity.

But how can I renew my sub at no additional costs if my sub is cancelled but I still have gametime for like a year+?

Wait few months when mount become available in shop as all sub 12 mounts or even better wait trade post selection lol

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its in shop already.

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You could try contacting support and tell them that you cancelled in error. Maybe they’ll help you out and uncancel your sub (if that’s possible on the system).

I’m quite sure they will just point out they’ll have to resub which effectively means to pay up front again sadly enough.

Probably, but there’s always a chance. Asking sincerely and politely and apologising for being daft is always worth a try. Customer-facing people aren’t heartless machines and if the support system has a bit of wiggle-room it’s nice to help someone who has made an honest mistake (as is the case here).

In order to get the future mounts, just wait with cancelling till the last day or two. Make a note if you forget.

I agree it is a weird system but they do it like this to present their data to the higher-ups I believe. And uncancelled subs show the mount as the reason for money-to-be-earned whereas cancelled ones are money-already-earned.

Probably like this?

Why cant people who have already 6 month+ gametime get this mount too? I cant sub forever because I dont know If I will still play or be alive when sub runs out.

Its a terrible system because eventually you will pay for sub for years in advance