I can't play the game even if I want to :(

Try put yourself in Blizz shoes. Would you do things any differently? I wouldnt…

What the hell have you been doing??? No offence but casually doing dailies, and more so with the now expired rep buff, meant you’d get a lot of gold, and rep, from doing dailies. I dunno but even from a gold perspective, Have you been avoiding all world quests for 18 months? I’m really, genuinely, curious. Do you just AH to pay for mats/repairs/pots/flasks?

Contradictory statements.

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Yes, I have done max 50 dailies since the launch of bfa. I just can’t be arsed to do a single one more. Just because they give rewards doesn’t mean I’m hopping on the sheep bandwagon and do what Blizzard wants me to do. I don’t find it enjoyable in the slightest.

That’s the whole point? I want to raid and do PvP but I can’t because they are locked behind dailies.

If world content isnt relevant so you can ignore it and just spam dungeons and raids than its also isnt relevant for casuals. And if it isnt relevant for casuals casuals wont do it. And if they wont do it they will quit becouse they will have nothing to do.

There isnt way how you can make world content relevant for casuals and nonrelevant for raiders.

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I quess not, brainless players will do whatever Blizzard throws at them. If it looks good on their charts they will keep doing it. It really ruins the game.

Yes becouse casuals had no way to progress outside of instances so now we have world content what can progress our characters It gave lot of people something to do outside of LFR.

Untrue. You don’t need a single daily to do M+. You gear up in a weekend in M+ and then are free to raid and PvP in 460+ gear.

Untrue? What about my BiS essences from dailies? What about my corruption resistance to get more corruptions on my items?

Why would anyone take a dude with no Legendary cloak, essences or corrupted items to a Heroic/Mythic raid? :thinking: Why would anyone want to play M+ with me?

I probably wouldn’t be even able to get 2100 in PvP without any essence and corrupted items no matter how good I play. Not to even mention finding a partner without any essences or corruption.

Gearing takes no time. You get corrupted items and Azerite pieces from M+/M+ weekly chest as you’re aware.

If you want BiS you’ll have to do some quests yes, this is mostly true for essences.

You’ve decided apparently to be religious about not doing any quest AT ALL. So obviously this puts you at a disadvantage. You don’t NEED BiS for a lot of this game’s content, but gear is part of the game and yes, you have to get it somewhere, mostly in M+ this expansion will gear you up.

For a HC Nyalotha run pug you can probably get into a pug around 465 I’d imagine (haven’t pugged once this patch thanks to my awesome guild). Again, attainable in M+.

In what way does dailys prevent you from doing raid and dungeon content. You have 433 gear, you can easily do normal nyalotha and several levels of mythic +. Edit: misread your 444 dunno how i did that. My point still stands tho

I hate forced dailys and rep grinds. But right now there are no forced dailys. The only thing id consider somewhat madnatory is the 3 assalts a week and subsequent visions.

I came back into this game in 8.3 after being gone since 8.1.the only dailys ive done are mechagon ones because im aiming for mecha- done. And the assalt dailys while im doing the assalt. And i have a 450 healer and a 435 priest with a +7 mythic amdnd part of the normal raid cleared.

It’s not even me being religious about it, I just couldn’t be arsed to do single one.

I don’t exactly find it enjoyable to get carried on a HC Nyalotha pug by other players either.

Do M+, gear up. Run Nyalotha Normal, then run Nyalotha HC. Problem solved.

And you still somehow do them for fun? What

Im not doing forced dailys. Im doing dsilys for a mount while i watch netflix and chat with people. Then i play the content i want.

But while your here. You cant do content yet:
4/12 normal nyalotha
8+ and
Several 5+ mythic+ runs

What content can you not do exactly?

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Still doesn’t get me the legendary cloak levels or essences I need to have to do mythic raids and high rated PvP? :thinking:

Problem not solved.

I mean you’re not getting into mythic raids anyway. Unless you’re very lucky.

Lepanto is right. Work your way up the ladder as he has suggested. If that means swallowing your pride and doing the grind then do so. Otherwise do what you like and be a little less efficient.

Most essences can be gained without much work and the cape levels you can get enough CV’s for 3 runs by logging in twice a week (doing 2 mini assaults, 1 main assault and 2 mini visions which wil ltake no more than probably an hour of playtime) . At this point its just lazy.

Mythic raids and high rated PvP. That’s what I used to do in previous expansion without doing a single daily quest. I get that there are casuals who don’t understand how important BiS gear is because they don’t do the content the gear is required for.

I have rank 9 cloak only doing 3 assaults a week. And i have 4 more keys ready to go this week Doing the dailys every day is 100٪ optional.

Essences, yes some are locked behind vendors which is stupid. But there are others to get

Doing a single vision or a stupid braindead weekly quest is unbearable for me. Can’t do

You can. You just don’t want too. Cant blame the system for being behind when you refuse to do the content that isnt even that much of a grind. Its a hell of alot easier to get things done now than a few months ago.