I come to the forums for answers, not Twitter Blizzard

Blizzard, why are you posting more up to date information on Twitter vs the game forums? I don’t like Twitter, no interest in having a Twitter, yet the game is down and you’ve only posted on Twitter that there is emergency maintenance?

Seriously, I think Elon Musk is great, but you should prioritize your own website over Twitter for up to date information…Twitter should be at best, secondary…


You could always just look at the launcher if Twitter offends you so much.

You don’t need an account on Twitter to be able to see the updates from CS though



I always log in to Overwatch to ask people about life advice during a match, so I see no problems here either. :clown_face:

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But blizzard need followers you dont understand.

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Pretty much the same thing as last night is relevant: some people might get that message on their launcher, but I, among probably a lot of other people, don’t.

I’ve heard some talk about installing the beta version of the launcher to get that message, but why should that be necessary for something like this?


I don’t even get this message, and I’ve reopened the Bnet client. How do I see it?


Well then its your launcher thats the problem not the response you got “genuis” maybe update it.


Wrong, pay attention, a lot of people don’t have the message.


Update then as its on mine :slight_smile: “genuis”

I honestly don’t understand the aversion to twitter, you don’t need an account or follow it in order to see the fastest updates about the game.

I wasn’t aware of the issues last night, obviously that’s not very helpful if not everyone can see the messages from Blizz on the launcher. I’m not on the beta version myself.

It’s also on my login page


Are you new? he is a clown ignore him


Don’t think I can post a picture, but I’m looking at my launcher and my login page, and guess what…nothing. And yes i’ve restarted it.

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Well maybe you should update your launcher and you would not have a problem.

I wasn’t offended, nor did I mean to cause you the offense that I clearly did.

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if they just stop using twitter we would all be satisfied! :smiley:


When did they start with the maintenace? How long will the servers be offline?

The launcher also offends me. I demand a physical letter through my mailbox.


Look on the bright side, somones sure to troll blizz if they keep using twater with those verifications things. :smiley:

You mean you would be satisfied, I certainly wouldn’t.

Judging by the issues with some not seeing the messages on the launcher or login screen it would seem like a very bad idea to remove multiple ways to see the info.

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You’re wording is pretty immature there, how about you say something more reasonable when giving suggestions like “Have you checked the launcher? Have you restarted your launcher?”

Don’t just assume i’m “offended” by twitter so much because i don’t want to use Twitter as my go-to for information.