I come to the forums for answers, not Twitter Blizzard

I don’t know. I don’t blame the MVP for this problem. The fact that we can’t see this message on the launcher is probably due to 3 managers mouthbreathing down some overworked programmer’s neck, but doesn’t dare to quit the company because that would incite ol’ Bobbus Kotick to tell the whole game industry to never hire that person.

…but who knows. All I know is that I don’t get the message in the launcher. :person_shrugging:

I prefer phone call.


Or, maybe, I don’t know…Post WoW related maintenance on the WoW forums where most of the WoW players are?


the picture litterally says plz follow twitter no post that on the forums!

Some people are offended by looking at twitter (no account required), others are offended at having to go to twitch or youtube for rewards in game.

I apologised for causing you offense, however you just seem to be on the warpath so I’ll leave you to it :slight_smile:


what is twitter?


It’s optional. Just like you can sign up to newsletters etc.

It’s not saying it’s mandatory.

I do have a twitter account and I do follow them but that same info SHOULD appear on the launcher/log in page, and if it’s not that is something they need to fix.

Well, next time don’t start your first post with a comment i’d expect from a 16 year old spoiled child.


Actually blizzard recently stated that only 3.3% of the player base use the forums others use other social media outlets.


Twitter does require an account though, at least from what I can tell. Whenever I read the updates it takes 5-10 seconds before a message asking you to make an account for further reading appears.


By that logic, 100% of Blizzards playerbase are active subscribers with absolutely no bots at all.

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I also would prefer if they posted news updates on the website and/or forums prior to posting them on Twitter as I see the latter as a secondary line of communication.

It would also be courteous of them to offer a little more insight into what the problem is rather than being completely vague about the whole thing.


Thats you i am afraid .

Why dont you take a step back
And go have some fun :slight_smile:

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look at this mvp going cwazy:P #bantwitter

he can’t be too blunt or he might lose his precious mvp tag so he always uses passive agressive tongue in cheek wording it’s quite pathetic. like I said ignore him and many more like him on these forums

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Well, I’m offended humanity hasn’t gone extinct yet irl. Can you write about the maintenance on my tombstone? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…but yeah, everything causes offense to someone. I don’t particularly mind looking at Twitter (at least, now that ol’ Parag Agrawhal has been sent packing), but I wouldn’t really think to go there to look for news on this maintenance. If only the information box on the launcher was functional… :stuck_out_tongue:

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And preferably it should just be ignored and boycotted.


Trying to, according to Twitter game is down for emergency maintenance though.

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The servers are up.


Yes, the bulk of players don’t visit the forums, some only come when they are having issues or want to complain.

You should be able to bookmark their page and visit it without having an account, if I log out and go to the CS page I see this


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