I’ll be man enough and admit that i see now that a post DOES exist, but you do realize it is the 330th reply in a thread titled Disconnecting, not titled Emergency maintenance or anything similar explaining the server was coning down imminently
Thats why the maintence happened due to the dc’s omg how pedantic can you be.
Well you are arguing that a post in the middle of a thread which has nothing to do with the server status which only exist in a single language forum fulfills the criteria of informing the playerbase bexause technically the information can be found somewhere.
So pretty pedantic.
The issue why the servers went down are for the DCs and it was posted on correct forums you are just wanting a fight now which you will not win.
People dont want to know why servers went down but that they go down and when they will be up.
And that information was not posted in the correct forum or correct thread.
Arguing that post 300 in a technical support thread is even close to an adequate customer communication is frankly idiotic.
Lol, half of me thinks your Punys alt the way you act. You literally think people are digging 300 posts deep in one of many threads abiut disconnects and lag and think that the little grain in the sand blue post 330+ deep is acceptable. If you need me to get a stool, ill help you get off your high horse when you’re ready your highness
Yes it was its an issue for customers or did you want a special one just for you on GD to make your life easy ?
They are responding to a post about the problem what else you want.
Do you see green text think about it , you are speshul.
I thought maybe i was overreacting and you had a “i gotcha” moment linking that blue post…then i see its deeper than the mariana trench and realized you probably spent the past two hours looking for that one thread otherwise youd have unloaded that ammunition on me already so jokes on you
if you push the bleu tracker you are send too the respons from blizz, no need to read all 300
That said they def need to make sure that the battlenet app and login shows it for everyone.
this, the twitch thing, the forced voice application and whatnot. equivalent to bloatware. it is not what we pay for.
soon enough we gonna have to log into meta to manage our account if this all continue
puny, while you don’t technically need an account to be on twitter, unless you use firefox with a bugmenot add-on, it’ll be hard to read over the non-removable “please join twitter” popup.
I use Chrome and I have no such pop up when logged out:-
Unless you mean that bar across the bottom that doesn’t obscure anything.
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