I decide what my name is, not you

Finally you said something right, rabies is not a name.

:man_facepalming: Nevermind, I take back what I said.

Wouldn’t it be great if people would actually follow set guidlines and rules instead of thinking they are special exceptions?

Because they are not. If a person willingly break one of those for no other reason than “cus I want to”, the person is a :poop:, simple as that.


You mean it’s not okay to name my character after a lethal disease that’s undoubtedly killed someone’s loved ones? Damn, guess the Troll Warlord Ebo’la will have to go.


Im fully expecting a “But its not offensive, you’re just thin-skin w/e” response to it.

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In what way offensive? Would a character called “Bubonic” be offensive? I can find 105 characters of that name on the US armory. What about “Shingles”? 52 characters. “Measles”? 58 characters. Are you personally offended by these? How do you determine what’s offensive? By what objective criteria?

I agree, more people should follow Rabies’ example.

Never said it was! Said it was a nickname. Still waiting for the post that proves, categorically, that a) Rabies is non-fantasy or non-medieval, or b) you can’t use nicknames as toon-names.

You’ve had loved ones die to both ebola and rabies? I’m so, so sorry. I can’t imagine how horrible that is.

Of course, by the same standard, references to knives, swords, guns, bombs, and all forms of weaponry will have to go, because of all the people who have lost loved ones to those.

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Yes it would, and if you geniuenly don’t think its a problem its very telling what type of person you are, and its not a good one.

Hot news, that’s CS agents have said since the dawn of WoW, just because a name exists doesnt mean its okay. And they are reactive, so they wont ban the players/change the name unless reported.

I am yes.

Not so difficult honestly if you have any tiny amount of social skills or knowledge of how humans work, just don’t name your character related to something that affect people IRL negativly, like diseases.

No, because he is wrong, as are you.

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I’d be happy to agree with you, if you’d only tell me why!

Does this include all forms of warfare, violence, and weaponry? Because if you find anything that affects people negatively offensive, I have to ask why you’re playing World of Warcraft. Do you think war is some kind of game? Does it amuse you?

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You exist only upon the forums to act as a contrarian to the masses, Umay

I’m pretty sure more than half of the times I ever see you post anything anywhere on the forums, you’re just trying to disagree with something else. I’m starting to wonder whether it’s because you actually disagree or you simply have dark & eldritch motives

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Again, how hard is it to understand this?

Blizzard is rated according to the ESRB.

WE PLAYERS are dictated soley by Blizzard, and are very limited to be as inoffensive as possible. Mainly because its easier to regulate that way than letting players slide on scales.

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Aha, so, since Rabies is a disease in game, it’s therefore safe to consider it “inoffensive” by Blizzard’s standards? Much like the plague, etc.

i start to sweat in rp ic

No, and now I know you are geniuenly just trolling. We arent allowed to do/say/name the same things Blizzard are.

But you know you’re wrong already, so I wont waste my energy on it anymore. Stop being a :toolbox: on the forums.

Rabies is hardly breaking any guidelines. The word is used all over in the World of Warcraft lore and does not carry any offensive connotations (you saying a disease is an offense to the TOS is wrong, that’s only the case if it’s used commonly as an offense.)

Rabies could certainly be a nickname for a Worgen, I don’t see why not. But more important, WHY DO YOU CARE? What impact does this have on your RP or enjoyment of the game? Is the blue text above our character’s head now considered canon?

Just let people enjoy themselves, surely you got something better to worry about. It’s exactly as I said, people on AD would rather complain about other’s RP than anything else.


Imagine reeing over a name and putting effort into that instead of things that matter :thinking:


Just gonna comment on this before I go, because you are wrong about everything else.

Wouldn’t it be great if people had fun/enjoyed themselves while following the rules everyone else does? Crazy I know.

Classic buzzword-posting to shut down discussion or any dissenting opinion

Almost like a forum is a place to have debates and discussions

I’ll put your mind at ease, Elyrius - it’s because I disagree. Don’t worry, not everybody that disagrees with the PCU consensus is an OOC griefer.

But this is a fallacious argument, isn’t it? We’d literally be unable to RP if we weren’t allowed to do or say the same things Blizzard are.

The argument actually is - Blizzard aren’t beholden to their own ToU/ CoC. Service users/ players have to abide by those rules, but Blizzard don’t.

It doesn’t follow that everything Blizzard does is a breach of those rules. It doesn’t follow that we aren’t allowed to do the same things Blizzard does.

What does follow is that we aren’t allowed to breach the ToU/ CoC.

You’ve failed to prove, in any way, shape or form, that Rabies is breaking any of Blizzard’s own codes or regulations.

It’s ok to be wrong, Vixi. It’s ok.

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It remains yet to be proven that he has broken any rules. Report it and see if Blizzard changes it, it’s their call and their judgement alone. Stop crucifying this guy like you are the arbiter of the rules.

If you think its offensive to the TOS, report it and move on.

I didnt, you simply just don’t agree with it because you like to be contrarian. Which is where this discussion will end on my part.

I’ve shown and told you what’s wrong, I can’t do more than that.

Yes, as opposed to disagreeing with everything in sight as if you were playing whack-a-mole, but the moles are topics and opinions on the forums and you are the mallet

The PCU consensus is the only consensus… [begins making bug noises loudly as I act upon the hivemind’s will]

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Find ten threads I’ve replied to this month - I’ll wait :))))

I can only apologise that you find the concept of disagreement so offensive to your sensibilities! Perhaps the forums aren’t the best place for you?

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