I decide what my name is, not you

Yes, if somebody called themselves; “Cancer” i would get offended. I’ve lost more than one loved one to it and its in bad taste to name yourself it.

or Killyourself etc.

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The frequency was not relevant to my point - I have been using the forums for a reasonably long time, bizarrely enough

Sadly I can’t bring myself to act overly antagonised by the second part of your post, but you can be at ease knowing I tried

You’ve offered me your subjective interpretations or opinions - you can’t point to concrete, objective fact. You can’t quote one single rule that explicitly states that anything you’ve accused Rabies of doing wrong is actually against the ToU or any of the policies. You’ve decided the name “Rabies” is personally offensive to you. You haven’t proved that Blizzard thinks the name is offensive. You also haven’t proved that what you or any player find subjectively offensive is against the ToU or CoC.

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How can a man write posts that he doesn’t read?
What a fascinating conundrum…

My thoughts on every of your posts in this thread.

“I didn’t read any of the 237 threads I’ve visited! Noooo! I’ve read no posts in my 3 days of visiting time! Stop it Elyrius just stay owned just stay owned!”

I am never owned

What’s reading threads got to do with literally anything? You said disagreeing with posts.

So completely unantagonised you can’t stop replying to me
Denial - it’s a hell of a drug
Kinda depressing you find “disagreement” antagonising tho…

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Supporting OOC names
Sephuzs Secret


It’s called argument.

Guild names are canon now?

I do not have a problem with OOC names so long as they aren’t obnoxious like, I don’t know, “Rperssuxlol” or something. Names are literally the least annoying thing I can think of, and so easily ignored I cannot imagine anyone to be bothered by one.

Besides, aren’t there a lot of people in the PCU with names like “Executioner” and such? What an argument.

Ah, but wait, no, we like those people, so then it’s okay!


But why are titles used as name okay, but nicknames used for the same end aren’t? :S

I might be missing the point here, but I don’t see a problem with neither. If this whole discussion would’ve been about the fact that he doesn’t even RP probably… I could’ve understand this thread blowing up like this :frowning:


You said it yourself

The absolute lowest fruit =S

I mentioned your guild because it’s a non-roleplaying guild on a roleplaying server - you should check the other thread up right now that concerns my opinions on that, though the fact I brought it up to begin with should tell you enough

Your opinion is invalid, the sole reason of a RP realm is not just to RP, it just means it has special rules to facilitate RP. There is nothing wrong with a non-RP guild on a RP realm, considering guilds are not canon.

There are RPers in Sephuzs Secret that do RP.

I’m sure there are, but when there are so many avenues of pursuing content, I find it difficult to justify the requirement for guilds solely focusing on raiding without a shred of RP content to accompany it; feel free to discuss that with me in the other thread, though - I’m not going to get particularly deep into that here

I’m afraid I must agree with my arch-nemesis, Faelyda with the above.

We do host plenty of PvE guilds, and their characters’ names aren’t exactly all, RP names, by any stretch.
I think it depends on whether these guilds, along with PvP guilds, decide to troll and intrude on RP. That is when bans from the server, become valid.

Why not? You seem to have no issue bringing up irrelevant topics in this thread when it concerns Umay, so I do not see what harm further derailing this pointless thread has anyway?

Guilds are not in-character, they are just game mechanics. RP and raiding do not mix well (how do you explain doing the same content every week in RP?) and the popularity of RP realms would significantly decline if the only acceptable form of social grouping was for RP.



But we do though, dearest.

Splendour, is just one instance of many.

Glad to know you support healthy debate and discussion on the forums! Very happy you approve of disagreement :slight_smile:

An excellent question.

Said what myself? You said I disagreed with “everything”. Now you’re saying I don’t reply to threads, therefore…
I don’t disagree with everything? So you agree you were wrong, or…?
Like, literally - what are you saying any more? You originally said I only posted to disagree -

here’s the last two posts I made prior to this thread. You’ll see the one above is a Spurdo post and absolutely the best thing I (or anybody else) has ever contributed to any forum, ever.

(Id’s nod dizagreein tho :-DDDD)


2 out of 237 threads that you’ve viewed, fantastic - that continues to perfectly into what I’ve said, so there’s nothing really here to correct you on (unfortunately)

I’m also sadly not going to entertain your first response to me there as if you were reading you’d be well aware of what I was referring to =(

I wouldn’t say a lot but also IDK what your point is, I don’t care about OP’s name at all (beyond the accent making it an incredibly low tier name)

I think you can reply to the people who are invested in arguing about a bad name based on their own names instead of trying to audit guilds that they are associated with - because I think Sephuzs Secret is very likely to be playing much more fast and loose with naming conventions. In fact many of the people you’re knocking heads with are nothing to do with my community at all

According to Blizzard they follow similar naming conventions but I agree that that is basically a waste of time

Agree but only as long as the player is roleplaying. I don’t mind goofy OOC names (to a point as you say there now) since TRP basically solves that - but if it is some OOC dude flying around with some borderline name? That’s not exactly pukka pies is it

Welcome to the basis of almost every social interaction. Hurting ape in tribe bad / hurting ape outside of tribe good

I think some of your posts are pretty agreeable but if someone asked me about your forum brand and I recognised the name I’d say you were pretty contrarian in general so I can see where that comes from (but hey, what use are the forums if no one’s kicking off an argument? There’s no fun in that. Big ++)