I decide what my name is, not you

I’ve provided a handy re-cap of the discussion Elyrius just in case you’re as lost as I am!

Here, you argue that I disagree with everything in sight

Here I posted evidence of my most recent forum replies, neither of which are disagreements, to demonstrate that I do not, in fact, only post to disagree, but rarely make any forum contributions whatsoever, and when I do it’s usually to a constructive purpose, such as making Spurdo posts

Here, you post saying that I’ve viewed 237 threads. Views aren’t the same as replies, or disagreements, so at this point in the conversation, the 237 threads I’ve viewed aren’t relevant to anything you are I are saying - because, again, and it’s a bit tragic I have to remind you of your own argument - you’re arguing that

By implication, if I’ve viewed 237 threads in the last month but not replied to the vast majority of them, then I can’t be a “contrarian” who “disagree[s] with everything in sight, as if [I’ve been] playing whack-a-mole, but the moles are topics and opinions”, as those threads were - by definition of being viewed - in my sight

So, at the end of this post -

The mystery of the “Relevance of the 237 Threads” still persists! Oh, the tangled webs we weave! But will Elyrius be able to untangle himself from the treacherous snare of Umay’s threads? Tune in to the next post to find out!

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My point is that no one is making an issue about those names, but this one is somehow offensive. That’s my point, it’s not a slight towards the Rotgarde or the people with those names.

Thanks for rewriting the exact same thing I said in different words. This has been very productive.

:yawning_face: … ok … I don’t think I’m as invested as you’ve become here Umay … you can take the cake on the basis that the character count in your posts are now exceeding my capacity to actually stay invested to begin with and I’m not prepared to tap into my dark powers and begin writing essays … [falls into a blissful slumber] :sleeping: [snores loudly in your direction] …

I’m sure the players that don’t like that bargain bucket accent name can present their own opinion without you making it some PCU thing or I will begin accusing every single poster that I don’t like of being in Sephuzs Secret for all time from now on


You don’t need to reply in a really moody way when I basically agree with you or I will never agree with you again


Take Vindictive as an example. It works as a legitimate Knightly title for someone who characterizes that trait and becomes known for it. It’s a trait that can therefore be woven into an integral part of their characterisation and thus works as a name for the character on an OOC level. “Jimbo the Vindictive” works.

“Rabies the Magnificent” on the other hand doesn’t really work no matter what kind of twisted logic OP might try to bend to make it suit his forced one note explanation to save face from the fact that it’s just a dumb name he’s been regurgitating since his teenage years on an RP realm that does not cater to his needs. You might be able to pass “the Rabid” as a title if he was some kind of feral worgen, but I guarantee you OP didn’t think that far considering his top hat transmog.

To make a parallel to Thrall from earlier, Thrall still works because calling someone a thrall is grammatically sound albeit very mean spirited. Go’el took it as his own to use it against those who demonised him growing up in Durnholde.

Calling someone a rabies does not work grammatically nor does it make any kind of sense past kindergarten, and even then poo poo head is a more emotionally creative insult.


Don’t even get anyone started, Vaxir.

S’true though. Why bother about a name when there’s adults preying on kids and all that? It’s just a name in the end for OOC purposes.

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Well, if you explain it like that, I see the problem with his name😱

Yeah or someone going around posting doxx in forum threads (like you, a few threads ago)



bigger problems exist therefore ignore small issues

why do forumoids repeat this philosophy all the time :yawning_face:


What the hell are you on about? It was just the first example I could think of. You guys are a household name on the server and many of your players are frequent posters.

I gotta say, I’m very dissapointed, since “Whataboutism” is primarily only used by really crazy people on a certain political stance.

And even there it’s also complete bogus that serves NO purpose whatsoever to any discussion other than trying to shut it down.

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More to the point of my post: Why does a name actually matter. How does it affect one’s gameplay and all that?

If people want to waste their time crying over a name they can. Sure. But there are much more important things out there that deserve actual attention instead of… A name.

Whilst being actually called Rabies is just silly, nobody gives a name like that to a child, why doesn’t the OP welcome this opportunity, if it is a nickname, then if people report it he gets a free name change, and can always just put ‘Rabies’ in their TRP as a nickname… I mean they would have had a ‘normal’ name before becoming a Worgen, like Harry Frobisher or Gideon Blake or whatever, and there is a specific box where you can put a nickname in there. I don’t think it would be objectionable to do that. I mean my Human Squaddie is called Ginette Nixon, but unsurprisingly the name Nixon was taken, so I played around with names and settled on Dewilde as the OOC character name. It is a surname, but in her case it is her birth name, she just eschewed it after falling out with her father and took her mother’s maiden name. You can easily have ‘Rabies’ being a nickname used by their friends, It is just a rubbish name as an -actual- name. OP should just work out a decent sounding name when they get a name change and put Rabies as a nickname, Would solve all this palaver I reckon?

If it’s not a name Blizzard considers offensive, then it’s fine. Nicknames can be used as character names, there’s plenty of people on this realm that are RPers that do so.

Why do you keep on ignoring posts/questions that were sent towards You? God damn it Vaxir you are such an ignorant hypocrite. Really the lowest tier around



Sees some female worgen in Stormwind with the name “Iamwild”.

I humbly accept your surrender.

Thanks, you too!

But from my point of view, it’s the Jedi who are evil

What use indeed?

Is it possible that the kind of person that would derisively refer to somebody as “Rabies” - likely because of the way that they looked, likely motivated by fear, ignorance, prejudice, hostility and spite - is it possible, maybe, that they would NOT in fact be an emotionally or mentally creative person?

Is it possible that in fact, they’d be a fairly sullen and stupid person, likely unaware of or indifferent to the rules of proper grammar?

In my high school, was the person that greeted the poor girl sporting a cold sore on her lip with “Alright, Herpes!” a Shakespearean wit? A Miltonian genius?

From what I can gather, it’s a name they’ve adopted for themselves. Bit like Tyrion going by the “Imp”.


I respond to things when questioned and whatever else needed, don’t worry (And this always lands others in whine land when they say to stop posting, but it’s like ??? I was asked a question, so?). All in all some don’t warrant replying to is all. If I’m honest I ignore a few people so don’t read their posts.

Sure, I get that, but using your example there, his name is Tyrion Lannister. He had a normal name before people called him the ‘Imp’. Whether you give it to yourself or not, it is still just a nickname, I just think it would be an RP-friendly way of making this problem just go away…