I decide what my name is, not you

True, but a lot of this conversation started because some people thought the character name was not up to standards and against the ToS.

However, if Rabies works as a nickname, I fail to see why it should not be a character name. There’s nothing that states the character’s OOC name cannot be a nickname.

But Brigante.

The name doesn’t break any naming policies, conventions, codes, or terms.

It’s not RP-unfriendly. There’s no obligation to name your character after their birth-name.

From whence cometh the objection, other than “I don’t like it tho”.

What she said but one post late.

I get that, but the characters -name- would be “John Smith”, known to his friends as ‘Rabies’. I don’t particularly have a horse in this race, I just thought it would be a simple way to just not have this argument?

'scuse me? I’m a male Vulpera…

That’s Vulperacist.

For all that and then the character in question to still decide that you know what I really want to adopt this mentally dim person’s low quality attempt at a poorly constructed and barely thought out insult as my own name now going forward at the expense of your own identity’s a pretty clear sign of

It takes a lot of leaps in logic to achieve that when Occam’s Razor is your friend.

Did that girl who got bullied in your high school abandon all notion of their own self worth and identity and become known only as Herpes for the rest of her life because of that one time?

At last! Another IC race gets the “I can’t tell males from females” jibe! :smiley:

I’m glad I ain’t the only one. I really can’t tell the difference with the poor guys.

They are simply referred to as “they”.

That’s a relief… my char changed her last name after becoming a void elf, she wasn’t always called Coldshade. Was a bit afraid I’ll have to name-change.

That’s a question I’d like to ask you a few threads ago with regards to personal information you decided to post


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Ahh, but Elves do that, a lot of Blood Eves changed their last name when the species renamed themselves, not all, Brigante didn’t, but loads did. However they didn’t name themselves after fatal diseases that are actually an insult to their species…

Is like Death Knights, does anyone think that at their Christening(Insert whatever formality babies are named under in Azeroth) the Priests went “I name this Child Armageddon Deathcrusher” and by a pure stroke of luck they ended up being a Death Knight?

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Yes. Gotcha.

Well, look. It was my assumption that, much like poor Herpes - I forget her real name - it was the kind of name that stuck. The kind of name that follows a person for years. The kind of name that might make

jaded and bitter and hostile enough to adopt it out of spite. Especially since, unlike Herpes - or, well, actually, exactly like Herpes - Rabies is something that makes people feel very afraid. Definitely unlike Herpes, rabies is associated with feral rage, bestial madness - connotations which have slightly higher currency than, say, those of Herpes.

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I don’t think anyone said or believed that, no…

For all that and then the character in question to still decide that you know what I really want to adopt this mentally dim person’s low quality attempt at a poorly constructed and barely thought out insult as my own name now going forward at the expense of your own identity’s a pretty clear sign of

And what’s stopping a character from intentionally being played as an idiot…?

I was using Hyperbole. I mean once they became a Death Knight they may have called themselves Armageddon Deathcrusher, but they would still have the actual name Derek Simpkins.

As I say, I go by what it says on their TRP or MRP, (not that we can see that IC), If someone introduced themselves as ‘Rabies’ I’d be “Ahah, yes, because you are Worgen…yes, funny joke, no really, what is your name, that isn’t your real name”

This said, like I say, got no horse in this race, just thought it would be an easy solution for the OP to not have this problem in future, so I’ll bow out now.

The creator of this thread had brought this attention onto themselves.

Now, if we are to ask ourselves, honestly - who actually looks, in game, at what people have called their characters? I mean, running through Stormwind or Oggy or Uldum or Vale - does anyone actually look at the names of characters? If you do, your a minority.
With all due respect, if someone is just playing the game and going about their business and some arbitrary trait riles you…let it go, don’t whisper them, don’t “get in their face” as it were.


For me personally, its a bit of matter of principle. If you can’t even do something basic so simple, so little asked of you to follow the naming policy, then it says alot about that person. Alot of negative things in my opinion. It’s not a difficult task, it’s litterally just “Don’t name your character X things”.

You say “it says a lot about that person” a lot
I think that saying “it says a lot about that person” a lot says a lot about you as a person tbqhwy

Also he did follow the naming policy.

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Sure thing Umay.

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I cant believe this chat is still going on.
I cant believe the same people are still aruging there is something wrong with my name.

And some of the comments. Holy-****

And how did i do that? Because, the original topic was something completely different, if you read it all the way at the start you can see it :slight_smile:

Some people have no respect for someone else at all,

You did this to me aswell.

Basicly what you are saying is ‘’ i am 100% right so YOU must be trolling obviously.‘’

It might have been the most disrespectfull thing anyone has written on this forum ( atleast for today)

I just tought it was funny calling my char Rabies, Worgen Hunter it just fits. Its funny and its Magnificent.

And RP Wise.

This is the best i have for you. And thats just the way it is.

But what i am most angry about is the Threats. The genuine threats to ruin someone’s gameplay experience because in your tiny tiny world you think something is wrong so it would be banned.
I genuenly felt threatend and angry at that.

These are just a few examples. I am Glad, and happy i have never encounterd such toxic behaviour ingame.

One last thing for Vixi

I never broke any naming policy.

Now i ask of you again to leave it at that. To leave this topic alone.
I am done being discussed like this. And especially insulted and threatend by some people. You should be ashamed of yourself.

As for those who showed their support. You have my gratitude. I am still on AD and i will be for years to come as Rabies the Magnificent, or i may use TRP3 to try something else sometimes who knows. And lets hope this does not happen again.


But your not Blizzard.

We have systems in the game, that enable you to report these things to Blizzard. It’s up to them if they take action.

What I mean is, if you read the rest of my quote, is how many people actually bother to read names anyway.

If you had stayed quiet, 99.9% of people would literally not see you. You just wouldn’t be seen, by the players.

That is perhaps true.
However i cant stay quiet i just cant i think if i did this would not have exploded into 260 comments but things like this Forgive me its late and i am tired :slight_smile:

I cant ignore that, and there it just blew up