I decide what my name is, not you

flagging is still not a threat as i kindly explained earlier :slight_smile:

as you said, your name is fine and you have 0 to fear from them, right?

h-how dare you expect basic RP realm rules to be lived up to

sure you can, you just didn’t want to.

In the end a name doesn’t reflect upon your ability to RP. You do you. Hell, even incorporating it into RP could be funny as heck.

But you did, and if you geniuenly truly believe that naming yourself after a disease is both appropriate at all or “cool” then I’m sorry, but you have alot of growing up to do. Also saying that I have flagged and reported a name that I think is a breach of the Naming Policy, both the non-RP and the RP one is hardly a threat.

This is why I’m calling you a troll by the way, outside of the obvious things. But now I shall leave and go to sleep anyway. But I will definatly give the name a report as well ingame if I see it, depending on the response of the ticket.

I can respect that, but sometimes, drawing attention onto oneself is not always wise.
Been there, done that.

I’ll be absolutely honest, I chose the name “Leia” on an OOC basis because of the character, but also the way the name is pronounced, it’s “Ley” as in “leylines”, which is an interest quirk I found with playing a Nightborne.

Then “Lei’liah” came. Beautiful, feminine and seemingly, appropriate for the race.


I felt threatend, I was threatend. And insulted.

I didnt break any rules

And nope i cant. as you see right here. I cant ignore that.

And i want to leave it at that. I hope, still, that a moderator reads this and can lock the thread as soon as possible.
And again i am greatfull that the kind of toxic behaviour i have seen here today does not reflect the server, at all in my experience,
I am not leaving the server and i will not be bullied into leaving the server

If you gentuenly dont like it. You have a list of my character names Use them to put me on your ignore list and be done with it. You will become completely invisible

As i said, i cant ignore it.
I didnt. YOU believe its not appropriate. I disagree. i am a Worgen That named himself Rabies for whatever the reason is. Its fitting, its awsome its Magnificent.

I am not trolling. And i await your report. I am still certain nothing will happen to it. And i certainly did not break any rules. if i did my name would have been changed years ago by blizzard. You know when you create a ticket and a GM contacts you ingame. Happend a few times in legion They just say Hi Rabies. Damn i wish i had those chats. If it was a breach of policy they would have noticed it then and there.

The report will come, if actioned and furthered by Blizzard, via a name-change request.

That is when you will have to comply and change the character’s name.

It’s also not a difficult task to believe that you cannot, and I mean cannot, judge people’s entire person and character based on their approach to what amounts to a three paragraph sideline document that isn’t even law, and based on a mutual disagreement on what you, personally, find offensive.

The fact is: there’s hundreds of characters who are named with diseases in their names or who allude to diseases or weapons in their names. TRP or character names. Doesn’t matter. Both can be reported now. Are all these characters now offensive? Considering that weapons can also kill people?

And for what it’s worth: there have been six cases of Rabies in the UK since 2001. There’s 40.000 reported cases of knife crime in England and Wales alone in 2019. That means everyone who has “Knife” in their name should be offensive according to the ToS.

Report it to Blizzard and let them decide. End of.


you can feel like whatever but that doesn’t mean that you actually received a threat.

can, didn’t want to. Everyone has the ability to not hit the ‘reply’ key and write out response after response after response.

that’s fine just change your name and RP more

then why do you feel threatened? kek

I thank you for this bit of honesty at least.

Actually Blizz decides which name is appropriate.



You can report a name, by all means, but it’s Blizzard who will have the last word.
Harassing people, in game, for something you personally don’t like, will not get you anywhere
indeed, it will only put you on that person’s “ignore” list.
Indeed, you can be reported for harassment - I advise all to pick their battles, carefully.

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A real hero, and a real human bean

But i was threatend. Saying things like’’ you dont belong on this server’’ is a threat.
And maby people did not mean it as a threat( they totaly did) the fact that i felt threatend is enough.

Nope i cant

I wont, and i probably wont RP more then i already do

I never said that

I don’t think that’s how rules work. By that logic I can literally be threatened by [anyone] take a fictional moral high ground while making a fool of myself.

Also feeling threatened over the Internet when the other person knows absolute zero (0) real life information is p impressive to be honest.

Too bad. I think it’s time to hit the road, Jack RĂ€bies. :point_right::airplane:

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I’ll tell you the future with my power. RĂ€bies will respond to this post because he must always hit reply. Thank you.

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Darling, you can.

Pick your battles. Choose your arguments.

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When someone tells you you dont belong somewhere, thats a threat. When someone says they are going to report you to ruin your experience ingame just because they are salty about your name. Thats a threat.

Btw i never said i didnt RP. I just said i wasnt going to RP more then i already did. But yeah i did respond, because you adressed me

I guess you’re right :slight_smile:

Anyway i am going to bed. Goodnight

I can feel threatened by small insects/critters without them actually trying to threaten me or, indeed, posing a threat at all.

You’re playing victim.

Everyone can, you simply won’t.

Sure did, pal.

Big true.

Not a big true.

If i have guests over and they go to my basement, after which i tell them they’re not supposed to, i am only stating the obvious. Not threatening them.

I agree

Sort of like the number of people that felt offended and took a fictional moral high ground in this thread


Ah yes, the old :point_right::airplane:

Based and chief and king-pilled and so forth

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I am sorry? Are you Daft? ARe you intentionally saying stupid things?
Telling someone they dont belong somewhere or telling your guests not to go into your basement are two entirely completely things. You cant even comepare that.

What happened to this?

Apology accepted! In the end we’re all here for a good time RPing, eager to see what new name you’ll get!

Whats the difference

“Hey you shouldn’t be here”


“Hey you shouldn’t be here”

Well, my uncle’s name is Dick.

In actual real reality.

And he is not even the only one named Dick either.

Dick Cheney is another example.

And as Rea is a real last name, and Gunder is a real name too, I am sure there would be someone named Gunder Rea out there as well.

Perhaps even a Gunder Rea Dick somewhere out there.

Sometimes reality is stranger than some people would allow fiction, even fantasy fiction, to be if they were in charge of it.