I decide what my name is, not you

time to make a pandaren monk named koreanpistol.
fite me if you think its against the ToS.

I hope he changes it into Rrabies

There are roleplay characters on this server with names like Apathy, Fearless, November, Ressurrected, Fives, Disastrous, Awareness, Blight, Forsaken, and so and so forth. Some of them use those names in-character, some don’t. Yet I don’t see people chasing them off the realm or calling for them to be mass-reported.

Rabies is on the same level as those. Works as a nickname or a codename, given to the character by some(one) who clearly had no respect for them. Think of it like people in the military sometimes ending up with stupid or downright malicious nicknames.

Maybe there would be more players actively roleplaying if the community could show some restraint and not immediately tear them apart for what they perceive to be unforgiveable mistakes.

Since we’re on a crusade against bad names now, I suggest reporting everyone with accented characters in their names. It ruins immersion because most of those names are pronounced nothing like the player intended them to and it also shows a complete lack of effort.

Surely all the roleplaying masterminds can come up with something original instead of slapping an accent over some vowels in otherwise commonly used names? Or is it not the name that makes the roleplay?


Guys the only way this can be settled: we await and see if all the flags have any use, can see the name change anytime now!

And if he still is called Rabies in a few months, Blizzard clearly agrees with him D:


This tends to be my guideline. I have a character or two who are the arguable exception - and in fairness, I’d understand if they were one day flagged. I’d obviously make a go of pleading my case with a GM - but I’d understand it.

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Tf are you nerds arguing about his name for? Could be a nick/codename for all I care, but with everyone on an RP realm having mrp/trp it’s really just pathetic reporting someone’s character name. If anything, Blizz should let us use space and such when naming our characters, since it’s pretty f***ing hard to get a good name by now with how high-pop AD is.


wow woah calm down with this language broadblade!!!

280+ comments about someone’s name on a forum being not RP enuff on a high-pop realm, easily solved through in-game addons. I’m just surprised by how petty some people here can be.


Are not a part of Blizzard’s naming policy.

Don’t feed the troll, people.

Which was as far away from the point as possible. I brought up in-game addons as an example to our dear, sensitive roleplayers here because names are far more customisable with it, not to counter Blizzard’s naming policy.


I know the Dawnscales and w/ ever other basic SW guild you were part of before did/do not have high standards of reading comprehension, but AD, being an RP realm, has very particular naming conventions, as per Blizzard’s own rules. Hence, addons are an entirely unrelated topic and there’s no reason to bring them up.


Exactly how does your reply make you seem any less petty in this regard?

heh… actually you’ll find that BOTH sides are bad, despite only one of them breaking rules…


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As what everyone else here has pointed out, Blizzard will be the one to determine whether or not he has broken any rules, not I, nor you, or anyone else here.

It doesn’t make the subject less patethic however. Guess you’ll find out who is wrong in a few days.

heh… actually you’ll find that BOTH sides are bad, despite only one of them breaking rules…


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Pretty much why some people dont want to give RP a try i think

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No rules have been broken.

I have changed Rabies into a fantasy name. So its a fantasy name.

That you dont agree with doesnt matter. Now please stop harrasing me

Was I trying not to be petty, or was I being purposefully abrasive because you’re being dense?


Conversations aren’t harrassment, you wannabe victim.