I decide what my name is, not you

Idont care that you disagree

Accept that you are wrong and stop harrasing me

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You’re asking to be made fun of at this point.

I dont care that you dont care, rulebreaker

Its a shame to see such spite and disrespect for an RP realm, on an RP realm.

It’s still not harrassment, nor will it be (unlike you who is insulting me and spouting words that are banned on this forum!)

I’m being dense for what? Telling you that it’s petty af to report someone who might be breaking the rp rules by having a name that breaks your fragile immersion?

Do you also report people to the police when they jaywalk?


lol in 10 characters

Reporting perceived rulebreaking is petty now? Good input human rper

Its people like you who ruin this game for other people.
You are so delusional, you believe you are right, and even when people say you are wrong you just refuse to believe it and keep going. To a point where you are harrasing someone, trying to anger him just to ‘’ prove your point’’

You are wrong, accept it. Or move on. i am done with you.
I have never broken any rules and you cant seem to accept it because it does not fit on your tiny tiny TINY world.
Well then thats your problem.

I am done with you, and this topic, one last time, please put me on your ignore list on borth horde and alliance so we never have to meet again.


For me to change my view i’d have to be wrong (i’m not in this case, though i am wrong sometimes and then adjust accordingly)


Again this hatred for RP realms :confused: feels bad to see amigo. Might wanna move to a server you despise less.

You and people like you are indeed a problem


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Wish I could, to be honest, because I’ve seen horrible accidents as a result of what people perceive to be a minor transgression. Think of a mom with a child in a carrier suddenly crossing the street from behind a car.

Being better in every way doesn’t make me an elitist, it just means i recognize and made an effort to be part of the proper ways of an RP realm unlike some others (who seem to hate rp realms) sadly!

I cant count the amount of times i almost ran over a jaywalker on both hands.

I know.
10 char

The student becomes the master…

Ah, the classical nitpicking, it’s been a while.

Fair point, however it’s now incomporable seeing as this virtual crime harms literally noone.

Think you just really love oocers mate

So why bring up jaywalking?

To answer the rest of the previous post:

Dense for not understanding that addons have nothing to do with the issue of a character name being against Blizzard’s rules. Maybe go whine to Blizzard.

because he thought it’d be an epic gotcha so he scrambled back when it fell flat because jaywalking is, in fact, hella dangerous.

That it is, more people get hurt that way.

Because it’s a petty misdemeanor which can result in a penalty, the actual mistake I made in my reply was forgetting to paint the picture of the example given, not the fact that I provided the example.

It takes someone reporting the person in question for Blizz to take any action whatsoever regarding the name. Hence, TRP/MRP is actually plenty useful because it provides a more customisable name system for other players to see and use.

Do you keep changing guilds?

Yeah, that’s me.

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