I always get Gurthog and Zogosh mixed up, for some reason. Please don’t ask me why.
Woah I’m feeling attacked
To me to you.
The Ogre Clubbing Club will visit you as well lad. Watch out. Might steal your helm.
Don’t be! It was just an example! I have nothing against you, personally. I will send you a Valentine’s card.
Chucklegrin is fine, Coldshade is fine.
Willkillyou, Axestabguy and so on are not.
Chucklegrin is fine, Coldshade is fine.
Says who? You?
According to Blizzard, they are not. They are multiple words in a character name. These examples aren’t exhaustive. It says so in the document you must have read.
When I was an OOCer, I wasn’t on an RP realm. When I wanted to try RP, I leveled a character to 30 and walked around Stormwind, having read the guides on WoWpedia and elsewhere, and installed the standard roleplay addons. Finding I liked it, I stayed and realm changed my max level characters.
This is the mindset that killed Defias Brotherhood and the other former RP realms.
Weak two words names. I go for at least three words.
I see what you meant now.
I could also add that multiple almost always refers to at LEAST 3 (reflected in each example).
Think you’re just an angry gamer trying to defend oocels.
Source: blizz
I’m glad to know the Blizzard police won’t be knocking on my door now.
I laugh with my 2 word name
I disagree slightly Vashava
I do believe elitism and gatekeeping has a negative effect. Sure, those half-trolling-half-RP’ing OOC’ers who disturb RP are problematic.
When I mean gatekeeping it’s moreso that someone who really goes deep into RP, who engages in it with a good TRP, solid RP, but sadly a “not so lore friendly OOC name”, get told off.
I don’t think we disagree on the fact that we want to keep Argent Dawn for RP primarily, but being nitpicky about all details won’t bring fresh blood to the server. When I first started RP’ing I was pretty clueless about lore. I honestly misunderstood a lot, but the people I rolled with didn’t tell me off and were quite friendly to a noob like I was.
Unlike you, I didn’t do loads of research prior to trying it out sadly ^^
Ain’t trying to start an OOC vs IC war. I want to see RP prosper as well. High standards are important, but let’s be friendly towards newbies
I use three words for my Void Elf Warlock on Silvermoon.
Criminal scum
Since when is SixtySeventy three words?
A true crimelord is what I am Three-word-gang
I agree
10 char
What is, what do you smell?
Three-word-name flesh!