I decide what my name is, not you

Managed to get simple names each time. No need for two nor three words here!

I fear no 1 or 2-worder.
But imagine the absolutely legend with a 4 word name.

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I mean rules wise, two is as bad as three, since one the examples is just two words.

Chuck le grin.
An orc named chuck with a french le grin.

You can become part of the 3-word gang bro


Read the thread, you’re regurgitating a solved + uninspired point.

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Yeah, like those noun and object names. Heresy, Execution, Winning and whatever else.

Names that consist of multiple words (For example: Inyourface, Welovebeef, Howareyou, Sixtyseventy)

I mean if its suddenly okay, they could do with updating the support article that was done three months ago, no?

I’d like to take this opportunity to refer to my last post in this thread.

that factually+historically speaking we’ve had a lot of names that fit the “Names like Darkness are not ok” bill. People with similar names have been around AD for ages, and no one cried at their existence (no, in fact it started an era of people trying to get their hands on those nouns).

If the name was something godawful like Highonacid + on AD, then sure. A worgen called Rabies is just funny and if it ruins your immersion + is about to kill AD for you, bro, I’m so sorry for your sad state.

I’m all for OOCers not being on the server (because that poses a real, tangible threat), but this naming discussion is ridiculous, controversial, and depending on the poster, hypocritical.


Hmm I think today I will decide OPs name


ah, the classic “no one complained back then and i’ll just handily forget all the times that people have in fact complained or still do complain to this very day.”


Sorry if a name isn’t a descriptor of an RP character, the actual name of said character, a name appropriate to said race, or something similar I’m not interested/it’s not a good name.


No, the truth. Like whatever name you want, but don’t paint this ill-spirited parade as a campaign to save AD.

The behaviour shown towards OP is nothing short of @holeish.

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Why are you here to be the shining beacon of justice 450 posts later for a weird radical centrist position that stinks a lot of [i will go against the general opinion in this thread] you exhibit when defending erpers like Shonn

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I don’t actually keep the forums open all the time. idc what the general opinion is, I know what mine is.

wth are you on about

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considering i (and i dare say most anyone in this thread) didn’t know the op prior i can safely say that it 100% is related to the state of AD exclusively.


I am on about whataboutism posts like this where for no discernible reason you step in to defend one of the most notorious and slimy people currently on realm

edit: you may congratulate/praise my detective skills for clicking twice on your profile


I entirely stand by the words of that post + I don’t see approving of whatever history Shonn has. It’s entirely true that these forums have a knack for snowballing; from one real and genuine issue, to contacting IRL family members through FB like some creep.

This is a very 2/10 Gotcha! moment.


You would think it’s a gotcha moment but instead it’s a demonstration of why your posts contain barely a morsel of worth no matter which thread you post in. In fact I would rather see ten posts from Sindri in every thread I visit rather than see a single one from you

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I really care about that, thanks

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Whoa let’s not get crazy, now…

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