This would all be solved if we could have a First Name Last Name system like Guild Wars 2 but I forgot we’re still in 2004.
It’d be great, both for the rp purposes and the apocalyptic effect it’d have on Blizzard’s databases.
pls let this thread die already
“That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.”
You’re a big fan of getting names (and posting them) true
While I might look past being named after rabies, I can’t look past being called
Räbies. Not only was that garbage name taken but you pushed on, looking for some horrible accented (umlaut) letter to use assuming it would just sound and look the same.
What your name actually sounds like is RE-EH-BEES
I’m thinking you may have more luck attracting people to a raiding guild on a realm where PvE content is the primary focus.
Aside from the fact that I am wondering why you’re a level 10 Orc Hunter, instead of the usual 120 Orc Hunter with a forum avatar… Rabies translates to Hondsdolheid in Dutch! And I honestly don’t know if “Räbies” sounds any different
Burn, infidel.
Not a bad name fro a alt no? xD
(afrikaans speaker here o/ )
It absolutely is a bad name on an RP server
play stupid games get stupid prizes and in this case my dude the stupid game is defending your terrible naming choice.
Thats where TRP3 comes in It used to be Râbies but that was taken on the server. i could go for the dutch version of Rabiës but i have been so used to putting something on the A i kept it
And its especially good for an RP server, unlike some individuals claim it to be.
There are plenty of raiding guilds, big or small on the server. But that topic is closed due to the massive ammount of toxic players on the forums. It was a great idea but i decided to do something else instead. My char is now raiding somewhere else while my alt tank, wich is also magnificent is still there running some of their raids. its hard work, extra work but i will manage. Futhermore we shall see where shadowlands brings us.
I am surprised that the topic is still going on tough especially surprised that Theya is still sending messages even tough he/she/it/other has repeatedly been proven wrong somany times its embarresing.
Anyway as far as i am concerned the discussion is over and there is no point in continuing.
I am a Worgen Hunter named Rabies. it is that simpel. The name breaks no ToS of Blizzard or the RP Realm naming policy( that isnt even enforced anymore and i find that sad) Its a good name for the Worgen.
Thankyou all for your interest and
You know, you could go all “Australian” on us and say “G’day!!”
I simply enjoy posting too much (and am rarely proven wrong, thus far haven’t been by you, rulebreaker).
From what I can see my dude the people not making fun of you for you stupid name are pointing out you suck at raiding so it seems you are just a lot of sound and fury that signifies nothing.
He shouldn’t.
Too late, darling. He has:
6:38 - 6:39
I watched that on Sunday.