I decide what my name is, not you

So I just wanted to update the thread here in that I recieved a response on my ticket/report. Feel free to argue what you think it means, I personally think it’s very straightforward:


(Also any trust3, feel free to make a visible picture)


Well it’s case closed. He will face a forced name change in due course.

Before the weekend is out, is my prediction.


Next episode is RPers being mean for calling out someone’s chimpanzee behavior and acting on it


wowwee, imagine that, me being right : )

been fun räbies




Nice, free name change for them. I hope they get something they like though.

Now watch as he renames to : scurvies


Rabies the Magnificent turned into Rabies the Owned

If he does, then he only plays himself in the end. Breaching the naming policy multiple times result in escalating actions. If it’s 1st time, it will probably just be a forced name change+ a warning. 2nd time, a minor suspension and then further from there.


Oh I’m aware… :wink:

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Räbies* the Owned.

We decided what is your name, not you


“I decide what my name is, but it has to go through peer review and if its found wanting, i have to change it, not you”

What can I say except

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I said it before play stupid games get stupid prizes and Rabies you just got your stupid prize enjoy the forced name change my dude

it is quite literally;

Don’t poke the sleeping bear.

That GM reply reads like standard boilerplate and says nothing more than that they’ll look into it. I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing happens.

It’d be that strange form of ironic, if he kept his name, but a bunch of RPers here whom broke the name rules, lost their names though…

I mean, the GM straight up said that it was inappropriate rather than say that I found it to be, while also specifying how much of a nuiscanse this can be.

Maybe they’ll ban all those weird accents and symbols?