I decide what my name is, not you

yeah which is where i asked you about sources for a worgen whose full name is a disease :slight_smile:

never got an answer weirdly.




Tehya gave you undeniable evidence as to why people should flag your name

Doesn’t mean it’s a suitable name / won’t ever be flagged

This topic won’t be the reason, the reports and ToS will

Yes there is





The only way I can see ‘Rabies’ being a fitting name for a worgen would be if they were a death knight.

…Damn, that would be a hell of a concept. Death knight worgen with rabies.

Man you guys know how to make someone wish they had brought popcorn or rice when reading forums huh.

language, this is a christian forum

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I refuse to believe a person can be as dense as OP pretends to be.

Report him ingame & the forum posts and don’t get baited further. Let him sit alone in his damp room with no further stimuli from here.

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I’ll return with a proper latin christian version of it.

Hmm… and where is the popcorn? Just asking, not plotting at all….

I am the Example

No its a nickname, i dont use my real name. I’m not sure if i remember it. Was it John? Joe? Michael? Kevin?

Rabies is fine for now

That person did not

It is a suitable name. People can flag it, but blizzard will not remove it.

It wont

There isnt

OK, you are deluded & will be very downtrodden and morose when your name is flagged for change

I don’t think blizzard wrote you mate!

Dominus noster, et Filius, et Spiritus sanctus est, et iudicatus est quia non est ipsa Inferi Ira Duetus nomine. Amen.

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I like my name, i choose to play with this name. Its not hurting anyone.
I am a Worgen named Rabies. Its perfect Its magnificent.

Just because 5 people dont like it for some weird reason isnt my fault.

But Why would people do that? THERE IS NO REASON TO.

Its an RP server its my name. its MY choice just put me on your ignore list if it bothers you so much so you become invisible for me. If it really for some reason hurts you to your core so much.

I like my name. i have hadthis name since Cataclysm and i am telling you. You will ruin this game for me, for your own selfish needs

Not a lore friendly name allowed for RP servers.

OOC players with OOC names ruin the air and community of a roleplaying server by actively diluting the roleplaying population with their presence, especially when Argent Dawn - as stated earlier, and several times for that matter - is the last functional roleplaying server on the entirety of the EU realm list.

So uh, no, you can’t play the victim card I’m afraid


“u keedz n ur sefish toxikty”

Because you are a troll. :upside_down_face:

Now farewell, I’ve personally atleast flagged this thread and sent a ticket about your name and won’t comment further on the matter or this thread. Grow up.


Says you.
I have never EVER ruined someone’s RP experience with me being on the server. ANd i have been on this server for years.
for YEARS noone has had a problem with it. And then you show up and i am ruining the entire RP server?

I dont know what is wrong with you at all. but please just put me on your ignore list and dont interact with me ingame instead of trying to ruin my time in World of Warcraft. it is childish and imature