I decide what my name is, not you

good idea, think i’ll do so, too!

how would you know this? lol, you’re full of it man


I ruin everyones RP by existing on the server, since Im an OOCer filth.

But I can admit it!

But i dont. I have not for years and i will not for years to come.

I cannot believe this toxic behaviour.I dont know if its trolling or if this is genuine. However i am going to end this here and report the chat to a moderator.

I do not respond well with threats, especially when i dont deserve them.
I am done with this, and i am done with all of you.
I have noted down some of the Alliance names i found here threatening me. I will put them on my ignore list so you will never EVER have to interact with me again. Please do the same.

I am also

On horde

Please add me to your ignore list so we dont ever have to interact again and let me enjoy this game the way i like to

In that case, i am sorry i am a bit annoyed at the moment, i did not mean to assume something that wasnt there.

I am done with this chat, this conversation and the threatening behaviour of people. Please Moderators close this thread and or remove it

I havent threatened you.

Not gonna report the name either.

I lead what is undoubtedly the best Blood Elf / Nightborne guild to have ever existence on EU or US realms, just a simple fact mate

The existence of OOC players on a roleplaying realm can create many issues, some of which are:

  1. OOC players attract more OOC players, those of which who cannot spare a shred of care for the fact that it’s a realm created for roleplayers and instead only seek other players to finish their content with
  2. OOC players (not all, but in my experience, far too many) continue to be known for actively disrupting roleplay that occurs on the realm, whether it be through use of toys, large mounts of unnecessary / offensive messages
  3. The continued influx of OOC players proves off-putting for many roleplayers, those of which may stop roleplaying entirely or simply leave the game in the belief that they’re growing increasingly unable to roleplay on a roleplaying server due to interference

I could continue, but quite frankly, I’m not prepared to. You may not disrupt roleplay, but my first point 100% concerns people like you, and you don’t need to directly interfere in people’s roleplay to contribute to worsening the state of this server.


not threats, flagging someone isn’t a threat.

You said you weren’t in any danger from blizz, weren’t you? I was SURE you said so! so how is a flag threatening?

i will if i ever meet you in-game : )

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Hidden away, you will have to go on a grand adventure to find them

Unlucky you, I’m a very adventureous type and I will find them eventually.

Edit: And avoid rabies while I’m at it, don’t want to get sick.

Rabies can actually come up with realm appropriate names but simultaneously doesn’t understand that the name of a disease isn’t a name



I think you should change your name, OP.

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You sound like a smart man, you will find the clues from Khadgar in Dalaran he will et you on the path to the hidden popcorn. Good luck

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There are plenty of characters on the server that have toons named after their character’s nickname. Rabies seems like a pretty legit nickname for a Worgen.

Don’t know why name-generator random-syllable nonsense like Triploxicus or the old AbstractNounConcreteNoun “Ragemoon” wombocombo are suddenly considered a necessity, especially when TRP and various alternatives exist and are used by pretty much the entirety of the RP population.

What a total waste of time and energy this thread is.


Alright then, tank ye womon.

damn then you should prob find a different thread innit


Yeah, I agree, actually. I think with that one post I’ve dismantled all counter arguments and have established the new golden standard for both threads and also posts in threads. Pleased to see this was the only part of my post you had a response to (hehe).

Hope you all learned your lesson,

Much love,



An addon’s existence is not an excuse to very openly and dismissivly break a rule for playing on the specific server.

I also personally find it really lazy of the person to not bother and sit an extra minute and think out a name but instead just goes “eh w/e”.


Rabies the Worgen wouldn’t be the most ridiculous name in Warcraft.

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Would you name your child Thrall? Dumass? Orkus? Johnny Awesome? All of those are names that exist in lore.

And maybe Rabies isn’t his and is just a nickname :thinking:

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Thrall isn’t his birth name :slight_smile:

It’s a funny thought thinking Blizzard even enforces this ancient rule on RP servers anymore considering a majority of roleplays in well known and respected guilds have names like “Lawless”, “Jeoporady” and “Vindictive”.