I decide what my name is, not you

Thrall’s name is Go’el. Thrall was the name Blackmoore gave him. He kept the name to spite those that have it him.

These are valid in-character titles.

I’m perfectly aware of Thrall’s lore. It doesn’t change the fact that just because his OOC name is ‘Rabies’ it doesn’t mean that’s his character’s birth name.

Just look at how many Death Knights/Undead don’t use their past name.

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Rabies could be a cool nickname or a title, if only the OP saw it that way instead of going with the entire “Rabies the Maginificent” thing.

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Ok, you do know those names were made as a joke and are hardly consider cannon don’t you?

Did Blizzard ever state they were not canon…?

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Hmm… Did I?

Examples of common unacceptable or disruptive RP names include (but are not limited to):

  • Non-medieval or non-fantasy names (For example: Slipnslide, Robotman, Discoinferno)
  • Names that reference well known people, characters, brands, places, or icons (For example: Britneyspears, Austinpowers, Mcdonalds, Georgewashington, Newyork)
  • Names that consist of multiple words (For example: Inyourface, Welovebeef, Howareyou, Sixtyseventy)

Source https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/135764


The rest is just a boring opinion from someone who is boring to argue with, if you say pretty please i’ll engage with it

Its not the worst therefore its not a problem

Im pretty sure that got solidified when johny awesome bemoaned how he got a second Invincible drop from Arthas

Read coldshade’s post + stop playing devil’s advocate

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It doesn’t break the ToS. A worgen calling himself ‘Rabies’ is perhaps a little silly but by no means lore breaking.

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Nah it’s some galaxy-brained “hee hee hee I am clever it’s a dog I’ll call it Rabies that’ll own the RPers!” crap. Entertaining it just gives them validation. Like calling a tauren character BSE.


Everything ingame is canon unless proven otherwise.

Between DUmass, Johnny Awesome and Rabies the worgen, Rabies is not the worst name.

Don’t tell me what to do.

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I’d appreciate it if you read my post and gave it an upvote, though. :frowning:

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I firmly disagree.

Hmm… Did I?

No, but you alluded to the idea that they weren’t considered canon. However, they appear in the game. So unless Blizzard directly states they are canon or not, your guess (and Ghortag’s) is as good as mine.

The Warcraft universe has this insane habit (thanks to the writers) of being widely over-the-top and inconsistent sometimes.


Well, not really, I don’t consider half the toys if any, cannon.

Alright, just one thing, choose them if you want, it’s just that no one will take you seriously or think you just in it for the lols.

Fair enough, my bad, it wasn’t my intention.

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It’s fine. Sorry if I appeared a bit confrontational there. I do agree on the Johnny Awesome bit actually, but the point is rather that there is so many opinions on what is canon from the game and what isn’t that it’s complicated to say what is considered canon.

Warcraft has a lot of comedic, crazy characters…


Do you consider them canon though?

I dare say that people are generally in agreement. Johny Awesome and his talk about Arthas’ loot tables, Harrison whatever’s adventure fighting goblin n*zis in Uldum, that kinda stuff is generally written off as best left largely ignored, as far as I know.

I have as of yet met 0 people using either of those chars as big lore sources