I didnt think I will get bored so fast

It took me a while to get used to the fact that DF doesn’t have a lot of repeatable end content that you can grind out. Such as daily world quests etc. It is something i got used to during BFA and Shadowlands and, while i did not like it at first,

I enjoy being able to do other things without the need to log back on. It is a differend feel and it is actually great.

The game offers you a lot of content, just not in terms of repeatability, this is more streamlined over the week now.

Siege on Obsidian Sanctum.
Feast of the Tuskarr.
Rares and “Super Rares”
Grand hunts. (Repeatable forever, just reward going from epic>blue>green and then common quality bag with goodies.

Can also grind rep with Sabellian/wrathion all day every day same as Grand Hunts.

World Quests.
Aylaag camp Quests.

Artisan quests for professions
Mythic dungeons
Raids (inc next reset)
World boss (next reset)
Dung quests for renown.
The elemental chest events in the Plains and Valdrakken temporal time zone from bronze dragonflight portal.

All in all. It’s great. Professions haven’t been in such a good state in a while and they are actually useful.

No need to rush world quests any more.
Renown isn’t particulary necessary however it unlocks more main story quests.

The game being RNG?
Yea i can see something with this however this is pretty much WoW since Warlords.


Loot system isss sooo timegated


How do you mean it is timegated? Gearing has never been more accessible with rares, crafting, events and dungeons giving you loot chances.


i love to be able to fly from the very beginning of the expansion. It does make everything better and i am so happy to see them roll out the whole flying rework on all mounts that then get special abilities… <3

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What RNG? For the first 2 weeks, it’s just world content.

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I think they should have included some pvp-dragonracing. Like the chocoboracing in FF14 but in the air and faster, where you could equip your dragon with special pvp-abilities and also level it up and improve its stats and such through racing, and be able to pick up items to use to your advantage like getting unlimited vigor for a while if you’re in last place. With different tiers depending on how good you are, but with the same currency as the reward so you just get it faster if you’re good and win alot. Could have been fun.

But yeah I have a feeling it will all get boring after awhile, but they did do alot of improvements compared to shadowlands at least.

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I didn’t think so either. It’s not really that I got bored. It’s the fact that from lack of things to do and rep gating I found myself back in SL and BFA after a few days.

Also the ADHD flying in DF is ridiculous. There is no reason to hold back regular flying other than piss players off.

Not sure what else I expected from a company that specialize in FPS games where the only content is other players.

It do indeed show its value when quests are done.


I smell many FF14 luxury kids also, wow has always been RNG from when it launched in 2005 its not going to change, you guys wish a currency system to target items you want? Whzt is the fun in that tbh. Really go back to FF14.

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Seems like you come from FFXIV as well.

We have a currency system, their not using it. Why? Yeah chew on what micromanaging in a game like wow is for.

And there’s no RNG in DF compared to previous expansions.

I think devs can only do as much with the same core gameplay. Of course, they try to spice things up, but in the end it is always the same thing - kill and collect.

Just look at what you CAN do and what you WANT do from available options. If it’s not enough - take a break. Raids are coming. M+ is not mandatory. Combine.

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jeeez mate, you’re not supposed to do everything asap, it’s not supposed to be done quickly and fast, just enjoy your time, enjoy environment and so

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Can’t. Mount won’t be still.

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Sorry but I disagree. Rares, elites, grand hunt, wq, chests upgraded my gear with 333/346/356/359/363/366 ilvl items. The gear can’t be more accessible. Weekly chests and daily events like the soup can drop 379 ilvl. Reputations give 372 and 389 ilvl. The gearing is great because I experienced it.

Sorry but the reputations are not gated. You can farm all in two weeks. Wrathion/Sebalian and Cobalt assembly is the easiest followed by Valdraken/dragon scale/maruuk centauros and the hardest are iskaara tuskar and the profession rep. DF allows you to farm all day every day if you want to. There is no need to wait much for anything with some exceptions here and there

some of us want to play and have content to do. not repeat the same 5 things 1000x. that you will also be doing the next 4 years.


bunch of players nowdays take this game really too serious and play it ti you bored yourself to death… if you aint’t payed to play it, you are not in an elite/competitive worlds team, why you all keep playing it like is your second job, and get bored/sick by it in a couple of months… its a game, its made to relax and make you enjoy it, a fantasy game to deconnected you from the real world/life chores… i get it, there is mythic there is progression you fall behinf, reputation… whats the problem ? in a few years there will be another expansion and you all will broke yourself happines in this game again, and again, and… again, the developer team will never compete with the demands of expectations from players… at this rythm they have yo be robots to create fresh contents cuz at how many people complain on all forums from all regions about the content they savagely hurt themself to be un first day almost lvl 70 ! the problem is not the game systems and desgins, the problem is the design of players mental toughts, i am sorry but if you force yourself in first hours/day to ding the lvl 70 and obliterate all grind a normal player will have for months to come, then you sir/gurl, you ****** up yourself by your own stupidity and no amouy of new future patches will remedy this type of players.

More simple put, take your time, dob’t rush it, admire what you have for now cuz in an year or two you will be feeded up with dragons and the story till you will be getting broken by the game, not the other way around :wink:

You played wow to much. Nothing will satisfy you, until you make a really long break.

I personally like current pace of the content, but when the raid comes - I am a bit afraid that I will need to put a lot of time into m+ as well, in order to have a good gear for raid.

This fanboy excuse is tiring. These unhappy posts don’t appear for no reasons. Reasons you choose to look past.


I like Dragonflight so far but there’s a couple of things I don’t find that fun.

The first being the amount of time you spend practically AFK at 70 in the world content.

You wait for the feast, you wait nearly a minute to be given a task that takes 3 secs and then you wait again for the next task.

You wait for events, events you don’t even have to participate in to get the reward. You can literally be flying over them and you still get the reward. Imagine going back and telling the original WoW Devs that in 2022 you will be able to ‘earn’ gear while taking a p*ss if you AFKed in the right area.

You wait for the super-rares, that for some reason they made take like an hour or more to spawn. Sitting there typing in the names in group finder, hoping you can actually go do something else fun like level an alt or do a dungeon, and not have it take 3 hours to kill a handful of rares.

Most of these activivies don’t actually take very long when you’re doing them but require a ton of waiting around.

The second thing is professions. There are some good ideas there but it is implimented so confusingly and with such an incredible grind behind the whole thing.

Oh you didn’t know to go talk to that random NPC in the corner of zone X to get your free skill points. Oh you got quests for something you can’t make. Oh you got a quest for 5 work orders but you can’t make anything anyone wants and even if you could one guy can fill 20 orders a day so it doesn’t matter anyway. Yep, cheese it with your own alt.

Quality, deftness, perception, finesse, resourcefulness, knowledge points, profession level, five different mats and mats from other professions, RNG recipes, and so on. Better start working on that PhD in Wowheadology if you want half a chance at leveling a profession now.

Oh you wanted a functional profession on an alt like you could have for the last 18 years? Well those days are over.

The whole profession system just feels like they are trying to create another market for WoW tokens. Buying RNG drop recipes, buying high quality mats, work orders etc. Inflating the prices of consumables massively and so on.


I wish wow had the gw2 approach. World bosses are on a timer. You kill one the next is already up until you get to it. The mega events and events are based on activity to activate them. This is how to make a real open world content.

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