I didnt think I will get bored so fast

Same old stuff… world quests, RNG RNG RNG RNG world quests… and what do I have ahead of me? running 8 M+ per week and wait for RNG Great Vault… I cant stand doing that for another expansion!

only good thing was Dragonriding… I loved it. Anything else just a meh… lore, zones, dungeons… this time didnt even last for a month :frowning:

And I really came back with very good mood! the RNG is killing me. I still dont understand why they dont have a currency system!! seems very disrespectful for our time and effort.


I hate to say this, having had such a blast when levelling and having had lots of fun doing the dragon races, but I have this horrible, nagging fear that DF is actually a bit rubbish.

I’ll stick with it for now, but it just feels, I dunno, cobbled together? A lot of us were wondering how they were going to get the game out in November given the internal troubles experienced by the Warcraft team at Blizz.


I can only speak to the world content as i only do world content.

But it feels like its filled with activities to do in the world, that act as filler to do between non existent activies in the world.

You have things like the seige and the feast that are on timers. So if you log in for a couple of hours, you could easily not be able to do them because theyre just not up yet.

Or youve got the dirt piles to dig up. Unless you really feel the need to grind up rep, you would only really find them when youre on your way to something. But where are you heading to?

You have world quests up twice a week. And there is the hunt, but really how many times do you want to do the hunt?

The expansion just feels empty.
And i really feel that once the quests are all done, the cracks are going to show.

It is a shame as all the elements of something great are here in dragonflight. Theyve just not been put together.


I’m doing the “Attackin the Brakenhide” fill the bar quest and I’m soloing the elites because the individual mobs there hit harder!


I can smell FF14 player here,you didnt even play DF.So obvious


Feels like people got so used to FOMO and the treadmill that they have grown dependent on it. Must…do…something…EVERY…day or…I…can’t…must…get…another…FOMO…dose. The treadmill…its…calling…m…m.me. I am bored.

Hold on guys. The withdrawal symptoms will pass.


I am exactly the opposite because each day I find new thing to do. I haven’t had so much in the open world in a while. I really enjoyed the Cobalt assembly farming mobs with buffs. Both the PvP part and the PvE in the zone are cool.
I also liked the Sebalian/wrathion reputation grind. 1st inside the citadel left wing then right wing then outside. Was great.
The only thing I did not enjoy is the grand hunt event. It is made badly. Not enough locations and different mobs. It is always the same and is speed based. I didn’t like that. The soup event is something I like doing.
The dragon riding is also pure awesomeness.

I hate the way professions are not friendly to new players. I just needed help from the guild because I only level them and that is it. I never use them to make money with them.


You may well be right. I’ll stick with it for a while longer!

I disagree.
Mainly because i like daily content and i never once felt pressured or the need to play every day.
I would frequently skip days or weeks of playing.

But no matter when i logged on, i had something fun to do.

If anything im feeling more need to pay attention to when im playing the game due to timed events. I cant just log on whenever now.
(I should add i still do log on whenever. Its just a bummer when the events arent going to be up when im on)

This. I can absolutely guarantee you that no less than 100% of the player base, and therefore 100% of the people complaining, have stuff left to do. None of them are finished.


I think the problem may lie in how much time we actually play the game. If you have a job or other responsibilities and don’t play the game 8+ hours a day then there is plenty to keep you occupied.


It feels empty now, but there is more stuff coming . More world pvp quests with epic curencies for better gear, elementalist invasions etc …

But in the end it is same wow as usual, do the campaign, focus on your content of choice and do bits of everything u like thats most likely meaningless for rest of world in between.

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I don’t know about you but I’m loving Dragonflight so far. (I PVP)


I am loving the lack of treadmill. I log in and get to play what I want how I want and I don’t have a huge list of chores that have to be completed first.

It does seem that some want a continuous list of tasks set by the game and I guess it has been something they’ve been doing since Legion. For people like me that found it exhausting this is a very welcome change.

A friend and I have been farming the super rares and doing some achievements and are having a blast. Next reset we will get raid and m plus to throw in the mix.

I’ve not done any of the sweaty renown farms because they don’t matter and the levels will come in their own time.


From another thread

But how will I know what to do if I open the map and the game doesn’t tell me?


No Chorgehast/Maw is already a win in my books.
Crafting and gathering actually became a pretty good “downtime activity” (unless you have the gold to buy everything) alt leveling is pretty good once you unlock “adventure mode”(and then to level their professions as well), not to mention you have 4 renowns to grind now instead of 1, but even that is not so difficult, and you not depending on them as much as you did in SL.
Balance…well…overall still a smaller circus than SL was, so that’s an imporvement of some sorts, usually the first season is…troublesome anyways.
Overall I think it’s a really good looking expansion so far, it’s up to Blizzard to “patch it up” right.


it’s not shadowlands
dragon riding…

eeh… yeah that’s the positive things i have to say about DF, i think most ppl will grow bored and quit when the novelty wears off.

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Season hasn’t even started yet and people are already complaining.

Complaining about nothing.

There’s so many things to do at the moment, it’s obvious that some of you aren’t even trying.


I have the same opinion with a plus that now the map is smaller and feels a bit interactive, but overall, absolutely nothing new from the previous campaign, you have a new crafting system that most of the players will avoid cause either they choose the terrible specialization or needs endless rep grind (by the time you finish everyone else is ahead of you already) , a same old game mechanic where you just farm and farm and farm to get …mostly customization=transmo?
Let s call it just World of Transmo rather than World of Warcraft.