I do not like the World of Warcraft anymore

That Retail WoW isn’t for me anymore, although I hope that one day I may return. But for now, I see no point in playing retail World of Warcraft Dragonflight and the War Within.

I began to understand why I didn’t like playing World of Warcraft anymore, despite logging in every day for 16 hours on weekends. I was trying to “complete” my character by collecting, progressing through mythic+ and setting foot in arena’s and raids. I was burned out.

But then something struck me, I did not get into World of Warcraft to collect virtual items, or to reach a certain rank or achievement inside the game. My motivation to buy the game was because there was this cool, mythical landscape to explore and adventure in. You could even play as a big cow man, my first character were Tauren because I was at awe you could play as something different than a regular human.

But after Battle for Azeroth, the Shadowlands, I decided that Dragonflight isn’t for me anymore. This isn’t a world where I feel motivated to explore. I ended up receiving a free trial for Dragonflight, did the first zone and thought to myself, how boring is this world I just sat my foot in?

I had this feeling with Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. I came into World of Warcraft because there was a dangerous world to explore, full with various beasts, Ogre men that would eat you, dragons that were intimidating and cruel.

Retail is slowly losing all that magical feeling of a dangerous world. It’s image has been neutered.

I’d rather be a no name mumbo jumbo than this “chosen champion one”. I do not give one damn about the gods or the titans. I only care about surviving in a harsh world that is out to destroy me. The feeling of being alive,it’s adventure games like this that offer me an escape in this modernistic comforting hellhole we call real life. A way to escape all the comformities of real life and be met with a virtual world where everything is different.

And although my love for World of Warcraft will never die, it saddens me to see Retail decay this way into this neutered, passive slob of a game, all thanks to a few people who can’t seem to tell the difference between real world and this virtual world? My criticism here is to the people who want to change or shape something in the World of Warcraft because it gets in the way of their ideology, or their believes. While it’s perfectly fine to not like something, some people are just on a massive cancel/flame war to try and remove anything mildly offensive from this game world.

So sorry, I ended up playing this game for 14 years now. But I came to realise that I ended up playing it for the wrong reasons these past few years.

I absolutely wish retail would go back to writing about the World of Warcraft, so for those that ask for my gold, I will keep guard of it, until the day I can finally come back to venture back into this massive world, but for now, I think I will hit the uninstall button and be done with it!


This game has changed and is almost unrecognisable since 2004, in many ways this is not a bad thing, but if it’s not your game anymore, then there’s no point in continuing to pay to play it.

I also think that WoW has another problem, it doesn’t really attract new players, as it’s current players get older, and inherit more responsibilities, they will stop playing and quit. There has never been a more important time for Blizzard to do something, anything, to attract new players, even if it means making some big changes to the game.


I think I understand. And yes, it is important to regularly consider whether the goals you are chasing are actually fun to you, or simply a going through the motions as to what seems to be expected of you.

I have had that explorative feeling in DF you describe (particularly Azure Span on foot had it for me). It’s partly something external in how the game offers you content, what kind of content etc, and partly something internal. Feeling burned out is a pretty much guaranteed recipe for not experiencing it, in that sense taking a break at least is no doubt a good thing :slight_smile:

I hope you’ll have a lot of fun elsewhere. And if you ever decide to come back, I hope you’ll figure out a way of finding what you enjoy.


Good luck in your future endeavours.


Its a collectors game where its almost impossible to complete any collection
The game steered from adventurer mode to supersonic flying / portal bonanza / m+ treadmill


Definitely. I returned to WoW in WoD and I loved the changes they had made to the game in the time I was gone. If it had been the same game from the vanilla-tbc-wotlk time period, I would not be playing right now. That is not a game I am interested in anymore.


Been playing since Feb 2006, and actually unsubbed last November. Saw the news about the solo follower dungeons and made the mistake of getting a 3 month sub in January. Think I’ve played maybe 3 hrs since then, put the sub onto a 6 month hold.

These threads are getting too sentimental…


Welcome to the club.

I am the same, it’s weird to look at this game and go ‘yeah, this just isn’t made for me anymore’, and that’s fine. Dragonflight is totally inoffensive and fine, but I couldn’t care less about anything that’s happening.

I stick around because hopefully with Metzen at the helm we can return to Warcraft, but until then, and much like you, I’ll lurk and just play other things.


This game isnt World of Warcraft anymore,its more like World of Lovecraft and whatnot ;D


you should make a game to report bots

world of feelingCraft

que Anduin feeling speech

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I love how everyone has already predicted the War whitin to be a '‘Anduin sorting his stuff out’'Expansion with father figure Thrall giving fatherly guidance xD

Its written on the walls and the skies and the sun.

lets take a drink every time someone hugs or talks about feelings.

wonder if my liver can take it


I don’t even play the game and I’m subbed and I preordered TWW XD
I need help

Talk about being dramatic


I feel ABSOLUTELY the same and have been for a while. But I keep coming back because the lore and how this fantasy world feels. It feels like home despite being boring as hell. I occasionally spend money in it to make it more fun but it never works. I’m trying new characters but I have seen everything, did everything a thousand times over… and I still come back every time… I don’t even enjoy it, right now. I hope it will change in the future and the game becomes fun again


just a FOMO game tbh, most people do the stuff and then log out

no1 really plays because its Fun, its just FOMO


What do you mean mate, I still play because I am having fun. If I was bored, I already have contingency games prepared.

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Completely. It has its moments but the world building is just so bad now…

And I’m tired of playing the piano. I wanna fight opponents, not procs with WeakAuras. My UI is huge. Everybody’s is.

I’m so tired… :sleepy: