I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I’m (thankfully) not very knowledgeable about the vulpera RP scene. I always thought the dustpaw scavengers were the one vulpera guild that was aight, but I’m hearing rumours now that that might not be the case. I’ll be honest, all vulpera guilds blend together in my mind, so I have no idea. Anyone wanna give me the redpill?

Not to mention the adult themes in question are… Bordering on illegal at times, as well as the guild having a history of saying some -very- suspect things and not properly screening members before subjecting them to such.


Me: I wanna go Horde! :smiley:
After reading: … Maybe not.

All that is needed was said by Obahar up above. There’s two different guilds so it is not “Dustpaw scavengers” and instead it is two seperate guilds.

I cannot speak for the other guild The Dust Scavengers.

But I can talk all about The Dustpaw Caravan as us being a full vulpera themed guild, still upholding a safe environment both in game and in discord, as Obahar said once again.

Just wished to correct that there are two seperate guilds :slight_smile:


Take the blue pill on this one.


Horde RP is fine.
The fact there are some bad spuds is no different from Alliance RP, and shouldn’t be used to judge the whole scene on either side.


Yea overall Horde RP is great. I wish there was more cross-polination between guilds, but Grimtusk, The Far Reach, Boomtec, Orcs of The Red Blade, and Winter Sun are all super solid options for telling a variety of stories and progressing interesting concepts.


Red Blades mentioned :partying_face:

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I don’t have anything against you personally, Vaxir, but your past RP in Duskwood and the gorey art on Argent Archives is enough for people to say the same thing about Alliance.


They do plenty of cross-faction with their sister guilds like Sparkforge

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Best not getting that bs topic started tbf.

Edit: Also, can’t compare horror to … the vulpera stuff not mentioned, really.

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All I’m saying is don’t throw a rock when in a glass house.

It’s not really that different at the core, and less so when we take Rickarla into the picture. In some ways it might even be worse since a lot of that art is posted publicly to sites like Argent Archives and Deviant Art.


I refuse to compare horror RP to explicit ERP and sexual motives. So no. I will throw all I want lol

And if the art is allowed on AA? It’s allowed on AA. It’s not bad.

Again, don’t start this topic. It’s been done to death and gets people nowhere other than “I heard you did this from X person” blah blah blah.

I won’t reply again for the sake of everybody, and best you cut the topic here, too.

One last thing is that the mild art is on AA, yea, but I guess worse is elsehwere and it’s not my problem if people seek that out. Their own fault if they get upset.


Good, the hypocrisy was starting to leave a stinker.

It’s not just horror RP. It’s incredibly descriptive and explicit gore horror RP.

The Art is incredibly explicit and gorey. Claiming something isn’t bad because it’s allowed on AA is just outlandish, and the stuff you have on AA currently is the mildest of this art.

I have seen your RP in Duskwood. I have seen the art. I’m not coming at this from a perspective of “I heard this from someone else”.


It’s a two for one roast in here. :scream:


“Why does AD have so much drama?!”

-drags drama into entirely unrelated thread-


For real, we have actual accusations and sus behavior from the people whom the thread is about and it’s getting utterly derailed.

I wouldn’t say RP’ing within a collective of guilds is necessarily cross-pollination. I don’t see them around a lot at casual or social events (but I’d very much like to!!)


vaxir argent archives drama?

what year is this?


Every year.

(/Hot Fuzz reference)