I don't know what this thread even is anymore

(Deleting. Kinda felt childish after resting on it for a moment)

How is this related to anything?

What are you hearing? Is it about the Dustpaw Caravan or the Dust Scavengers?

A person with an extensive history in commissioning, displaying and roleplaying obscene and vulgar content (to this day, not over a decade ago in case someone thinks thats an argument to make) should not be virtue signalling in any thread about obscene and vulgar content.

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The fact that whenever Vaxir simply makes a basic comment, people suddenly need to jump in and rave about their alleged wrongdoings (which to my understanding is also now from nearly 10+ years in the past) just makes it seem a bit…obsessive to put it mildly.

It doesn’t need to be brought up in every single thread for the rest of all time.


the fact that people would rather talk about decades old drama than actual wrongdoings being done right now x.x


You would think they learned their lesson by now

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What is that exactly? That because they had art commissioned some people don’t like a decade ago they are never allowed to respond to a thread for the rest of their lives?

Again, obsessive.


It’s also not helping if there’s no path to redemption and being reintegrated into the larger whole, which I thought was often the goal when the more infamous elements were being brought to the proverbial AD court.



Vaxir made mistakes.
Said sorry.
Moved on.

It’s a cluster of people that seem to lack the capacity to do the same.

On the topic of the vulpera guild (again) contact their GM with issues, if it doesn’t seem to get you anywhere report it, have a cringe and whack them on ignore.


Well, yeah. Welcome to the role play forums. Nothing surprising, is it

The issue is when the officers and GM are the worst offenders in such cases. They’ve already made it clear they won’t do anything about it, so posting on the forums is just warning others of what you’re signing up for when playing with them


It’s kinda impressive how Vaxir still inspires such petty bile on such a consistent basis despite being one of the more mellow and innocuous forum posters.


idk man letting your bff draw your character like they’re on their way to get their newest hugo boss uniform is sketchy to say the least

ok then make a thread about Vaxir, ms. Classic Alt Poster number #4141353321

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no i don’t think i will

I was wondering when the Vaxir n*zi art was going to be mentioned, glad to not be disappointed.

I made a realization today that I’ve not -properly- RP’d on Vaxir for nearing ten years or so :frowning: How time flies. But of course people will dig up the past because they’ve nothing worth contributing otherwise.

I had a nice nap anyway. Was dreaming I was in my local market and my dog got into a bowl of fruit and drank some of the water they were in?? And I was like OH NO.


that’s fair and all vax but you’re still gm of < bane >
just because you added a few layers of paint and a pixellated box to your head doesnt mean its still not you

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Vax pls stop feeding those bozos I beg you :sob:


I grew up and moved on, learned from the past, did a lot of growing as a person. It’s a nice thing for myself and I’m proud of where I now stand. I’ve also reached that point of “well, if people wanna dig up the past then they can. It’s not my business now what they do with their spare time, nor do I care”.

I keep Vax in Bane and sometimes log on her. That’s about it.